Daily News Issue Date: 
January 27, 2014


PM Netanyahu criticizes Palestinian stance on settlers. (AP/Xinhua)

A PLO official says Jews would have the right to apply for Palestinian citizenship, but not settlers. (Times of Israel)

Netanyahu rebukes Economy Minister Bennett over a dispute on the future of settlers in peace deal. (Ha’aretz)           

DM Ya’alon says Israel will not tolerate Palestinian incitement. (The Jerusalem Post)

Former military intelligence Yadlin says if peace talks fail Israel should consider coordinated unilateral action. (The Jerusalem Post)

Israel extends detention of two Palestinian men allegedly affiliated to Al-Qaida. (AP)

Extremist settlers attack Palestinian farmers in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

Israeli forces injure a Palestinian man in Gaza and demolish a building in East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

An Israeli official warns of a growing jihadi threat from Syria. (AP)

Israel refuses to confirm a reported Israeli attack of a Syrian military base in Latakia. (Xinhua/Ha’aretz)

The Syrian opposition says there has been no progress on the aid convoys reaching a besieged city in Homs. (AP/The Daily Star/Reuters)

The US resumes nonlethal aid to the Syrian opposition. (AP)

The Syrian army re-opens a strategic freeway connecting Damascus to Daraa after intense clashes. (Xinhua)

Syria's Assyrian Christians find refuge in a Turkish city. (The Media Line)

The Egyptian Military Council discusses a “public request” for Gen. Sissi to run for president. (Reuters)

Pres. Mansour promotes Gen. Sissi to the top military rank of Marshal. (AP/AFP)

Militants down Egyptian military helicopter in Sinai, killing five soldiers. (The New York Times)

Egypt releases a Libyan militia leader after five Egyptian diplomats were freed in Libya. (Reuters)

Egypt’s presidential elections will be held in April. (Los Angeles Times)

Tunisia passes the most progressive constitution in the Arab world. (AP)

Iraqi forces intensify attacks in Fallujah. (The Washington Post)

125 people have been killed in the month-long battles in Anbar. (Xinhua)


Amer Al Sabaileh says recognizing Israel as a “Jewish state” could be fatal to the whole region. (The Jordan Times)

Bakir Oweida writes about the ramifications of recognizing Israel as a “Jewish state.” (Asharq Alawsat)

Adel Safty says the US is contradicting itself by asking the Palestinians to say Israel is for the “Jewish people.” (The Gulf News)

Reuven Pedatzur says Jordan thinks that the future Palestinian state cannot sustain itself without a “confederation” system with Amman. (Ha’aretz)

Oudeh Basharat says the Arab high-tech in Israel are the heroes of tomorrow. (Ha’aretz)

The Jordanian Times says the voting down of a bill at the Knesset intended to bolster the two-state solution shows that Israel is not serious about peace. (The Jordanian Times)

Vijay Prashad says Israel should heed the growing BDS movement and make peace with the Palestinians. (The Washington Post)

Emily Ziedman calls on the Dutch government to reject the political warfare of the BDS movement against Israel.(Ynet)

Hussein Ibish analyses the newly passed Tunisian constitution, saying while “significantly flawed,” the new draft provides some hope. (The National)

David Ignatius says the Tunisian model of national consensus and political compromise is worthy of emulation in the Arab world. (The Daily Star)

Samir Atallah says the Syrian peace talks are fake. (Asharq Alawsat)

Christopher Hill says wars in Syria and Iraq are interlinked. (The Gulf News)

Mohamed al-Shewy criticizes the Egyptian transitional justice as being “vengeful” and “highly politicized.” (The Daily Star)

The Gulf News says the terrorist attacks in Egypt aim at forcing the regime to negotiate with the Muslim Brotherhood. (The Gulf News)

The National praises a new pilot program that eases US entry to travelers of the Etihad Airways from Abu Dhabi. (The National)

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