Nathan Thrall says the Palestinian leadership can't choose between cooperation and confrontation with Israel, and is thus paying the full price for both. (Foreign Affairs)
David Rosenberg calls Fayyad "the latest victim of the Arab Spring." (Ha'aretz)
The Economist says if Fayyad's departure leads to reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, it may prove a good thing. (The Economist)
The BBC interviews PM Netanyahu, who says Israel reserves its right to defend itself. (BBC)
Samuel Lebens says he was inspired by the way Israelis and Palestinians commemorated their dead together on Memorial Day. (Ha'aretz)
George Hishmeh says Kerry's well-intentioned Middle East peace efforts require commitment and resolve. (Gulf News)
Akiva Eldar looks at strategies used by the Israeli settlement movement. (Al Monitor)
Asmaa al-Ghoul profiles Gaza's Christian community. (Al Monitor)
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