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Mustafa Barghouthi says Palestinians should unilaterally declare independence and invite international recognition like Kosovo. PM Netanyahu approves 240 new settler housing units in occupied East Jerusalem. Hamas leaders are banned from entering Egypt. Pres. Abbas reiterates there is no alternative to a two-state agreement, urges Quartet action, and says Israel can call itself whatever it likes. Palestinian refugees are disillusioned. Arab states may ask the UN to recognize Palestine. Zeev Sternhell says Israel's right requires perpetual war, and Gideon Levy says they just hate Arabs. 36% of Jewish Israelis want to revoke Palestinian citizens' voting rights. Elderly Israelis claim former homes in occupied East Jerusalem. There is more criticism of Israel's proposed new loyalty oath, and Jonathan Cook says if he is forced to take it, he will be lying. Palestinian women make a living hitting Jewish skullcaps. The Forward asks if Netanyahu will have to choose between peace and his coalition partners. Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid says Israeli extremists want to expel Palestinian citizens. Joseph Chamie says demographics are a threat to peace. Christopher Hayes looks at settler conduct and ideology in Hebron and Jerusalem.
A diplomatic incident exposes rifts between PM Netanyahu and FM Lieberman. Israeli Amb. Oren says Palestinians must recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.” Palestinians say they will do so if Israel returns the 1967 borders. The US says Palestinians are right to ask for clarified borders, but must do so in negotiations. Israel's mayor in Jerusalem wants to rezone Arab neighborhoods. Israel says it may reconsider its demand for a long-term security presence in the Jordan Valley after Palestinian independence. Israelis and Palestinians try to bridge the divide in the Galilee. Stone-throwing Israeli settlers clash with Israeli soldiers and Palestinians. Larry Derfner says Netanyahu has revealed himself to be an extremist. Avner Cohen says Israel should be open about its nuclear arsenal. The Forward dismisses Israel's new loyalty oath for non-Jews. Israeli forces reportedly train for population transfer. Osman Mirghani says Netanyahu has shown he's not serious about peace. George Hishmeh says Israel doesn't know what it wants. Michael Jansen critiques Israel's new loyalty oath. Daoud Kuttab dismisses Israel's “Jewish state” demand. Hussein Ibish looks at the dangers of another intifada.
Palestinians and Israeli settlers struggle over West Bank olive groves. The CSM asks what's behind PM Netanyahu's latest proposal. The Economist calls it a gimmick. The US urges Palestinians to make a counteroffer and says it does not want a two-month delay in a peace talks impasse. Hamas shuts down the journalists syndicate in Gaza. Israel says flotilla detainees were treated well. Bradley Burston lists 10 mistakes Israel is making. Human rights groups ask Netanyahu to pledge not to transfer populations. There is widespread anger at Israel's sentencing of a Palestinian nonviolent protest leader to one year in prison. Jewish American groups are largely silent about Israel's new loyalty oath for non-Jews. George Semaan says buying time won't fix problems with negotiations. Michael Brull says Israel needs to end the occupation. Hussein Ibish says the US needs a game-changing plan to get talks back on track.
Palestinians and Israeli settlers struggle over West Bank olive groves. The CSM asks what's behind PM Netanyahu's latest proposal. The Economist calls it a gimmick. The US urges Palestinians to make a counteroffer and says it does not want a two-month delay in a peace talks impasse. Hamas shuts down the journalists syndicate in Gaza. Israel says flotilla detainees were treated well. Bradley Burston lists 10 mistakes Israel is making. Human rights groups ask Netanyahu to pledge not to transfer populations. There is widespread anger at Israel's sentencing of a Palestinian nonviolent protest leader to one year in prison. Jewish American groups are largely silent about Israel's new loyalty oath for non-Jews. George Semaan says buying time won't fix problems with negotiations. Michael Brull says Israel needs to end the occupation. Hussein Ibish says the US needs a game-changing plan to get talks back on track.
PM Netanyahu's proposal for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a "Jewish state" is met with widespread skepticism. Palestinians say Washington is not taking the idea seriously either. Israel sentences a leader of Palestinian nonviolent protests to a year in prison. The PA has submitted a formal request for a West Bank airport. Pres. Abbas' office dismisses rumors of his resignation. Deputy PM Ya'alon doubts peace is possible. The French FM says an initiative to restart talks is underway. Akiva Eldar says Netanyahu is trying to get the Palestinians to give up the right of return. Carlo Strenger says the new Israeli loyalty oath demonstrates a hatred of liberal values and MK Tibi says it's another instance of discrimination. Raja Khalidi questions whether conditions are right for successful state building. Hussein Ibish warns against another intifada. Gershon Baskin says more popular support is needed for peace. Israel continues to deport Palestinians from the West Bank. Israeli troops are accused of shooting children in Gaza. Sam Bahour and Charles Shamas say the OECD meeting in Jerusalem is an affront to international law. Columbia University establishes the first academic center for Palestine Studies. Gaza's prisons are chaotic.

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