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The temporary truce in Gaza is extended for another five days. (AP/AFP)

Cease-fire negotiations face new hurdles. (Reuters/Xinhua/Los Angeles Times)

Israeli officials blame Hamas leader Mishaal for the cease-fire
impasse. (Jerusalem Post)

The US halts the transfer of hellfire missiles to Israel. (Wall Street

Israeli politicians argue about the state of bilateral relations with
the United States. (Jerusalem Post)

Two journalists are among the six killed in a bomb disposal accident
in Gaza. (New York Times)

57 Palestinians are arrested for "rioting" in occupied East Jerusalem. (Xinhua)

A Palestinian dies after being struck by a settler car in the occupied
West Bank. (Ma'an)

The Arab Bank terrorism financing civil lawsuit goes to the jury. (AP)

The Pentagon says the IS siege on a mountain in northern Iraq is over,
allowing thousands of Yazidis to survive, but some are reportedly
still trapped. (New York Times/Washington Post)

Many Iraqi Christians no longer feel at home given the rise of IS.
(Los Angeles Times)

Pres. Obama is considering US policy options towards IS. (AP)

The UN raises the humanitarian crisis level in Iraq to the highest
possible threat
. (AP/BBC)

Asharq Al Awsat profiles Iraqi Prime Minister-designate Al-Abadi.
(Asharq Al Awsat)

The US says it will provide more weapons to the Lebanese military. (AP)

Saudi Arabia gives $100 million to the United Nations
Counter-Terrorism Center. (New York Times)


Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas believes its most important tunnels are
intact. (Al Monitor)

Avi Issacharoff says Hamas may not return to cease-fire negotiations.
(Times of Israel)

Udi Dekel asks if Israel is facing a war of attrition with Hamas. (INSS)

Mitch Ginsberg asks if the Gaza blockade is unraveling. (Times of Israel)

George Hishmeh says the White House seems to have conflicting stances
regarding Palestinians. (Gulf News)

Gershon Baskin says Israel doesn't seem to have a post-conflict
strategy. (Jerusalem Post)

The National says Israel is trying to crush the Palestinians spirit by
attacking soccer, but is not succeeding. (The National)

Anna Altman says, whether there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism or
not, Israel has lost the PR war in Europe. (New York Times)

Ari Shavit says Israeli liberals need to face the brutality of the
contemporary Middle East. (Ha'aretz)

Michael Hanna says Egyptian foreign policy is entirely fixated on
smashing Islamists everywhere. (Foreign Policy)

The Washington Post says "mission creep" in Iraq is inevitable.
(Washington Post)

David Horsey says, despite criticism, US airstrikes in Iraq are
preventing genocide. (Los Angeles Times)

James Jeffrey outlines how PM al-Maliki "broke Iraq." (Politico)

Michael Jansen says American policies are crucial for the prospects of
defeating IS in Iraq. (Jordan Times)

Joyce Karam looks at conspiracy theories in Lebanon, especially about
IS. (Al Arabiya)

Suzanne Kianpour also looks at Lebanese conspiracy theories about IS. (BBC)

Hussein Ibish offers an explanation for the rise in IS conspiracy
theories among Sunni Arabs. (NOW)

Robert Ford says, while IS is fighting in Iraq, moderate opposition
groups are gaining ground in Syria. (Foreign Policy)

Frederic Hof says saving Syria is no fantasy and strongly critiques US
policy. (Politico)

Michael Young says Christian communities are threatened in the Middle
East, but in Lebanon are also self-destructive. (Daily Star)

Alaa Al Aswany says when Egyptians become xenophobic, it reflects the
attitudes of their leaders, not the people. (New York Times)


Palestinians are considering Egypt's proposal for a long-term Gaza
cease-fire. (AP/Reuters/Ma'an)

With a central role in cease-fire negotiations, Pres. Abbas is staging
a political comeback. (New York Times)

More Palestinians in Gaza are beginning to question Hamas's decisions
in the conflict. (Washington Post)

Five, including an Italian journalist, are killed during a
bomb-disposal accident in Gaza. (New York Times/Ma'an)

Israel's targeting of mosques has strained the social fabric of Gaza. (AP)

Israel strips a Palestinian who has been living in Canada of Jerusalem
residency rights. (Ha'aretz)

Former Pres. Mubarak defends his record in court. (AP/Xinhua)

France is planning to send weapons to Kurdish forces in Iraq. (New
York Times/AP)

The US is sending another 130 military advisers to Iraq. (New York Times)

PM al-Maliki's efforts to stay in power appear to be collapsing, but
he warns of chaos if he is replaced. (New York Times/AP)

IS militants seize two more Syrian towns. (AP)

Reuters looks at IS's recent series of successes in Syria and Iraq. (Reuters)


Emma Pearson and Katie Welsford say while Hamas blurred the line
between civilians and military, Israel may have deleted it altogether.
(Asharq Al Awsat)

Gershom Gorenberg asks if Pres. Obama will "take advantage" of the
current tensions with Israel. (Ha'aretz)

Ben Capsit says Obama and many other Americans have failed to
understand PM Netanyahu and Israeli domestic politics. (Al Monitor)

Osama Al Sharif says Egypt should push for a more comprehensive
approach in Gaza cease-fire negotiations. (Jordan Times)

Peter Beinart says Hillary Clinton is the latest American politician
to act as "Israel's lawyer." (Ha'aretz)

Eugene Bird says it's time to lift the siege of Gaza. (Los Angeles Times)

Joseph Lieberman says the US has a chance to stop IS and supports
current airstrikes. (Washington Post)

Patrick Johnston and Benjamin Bahney say the US should try to dry up
IS's cash flow. (New York Times)

David Ignatius says IS is making mistakes Osama bin Laden warned
against. (Washington

Doyle McManus says, like it or not, the US is back at war in Iraq.
(Los Angeles Times)

Asharq Al Awsat interviews  Egypt’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Shawqi Alla.
(Asharq Al Awsat)


Cease-fire negotiations continue in Cairo as the temporary truce
holds. (AP/Reuters)

Hamas insists the people of Gaza have "nothing left to lose." (Al Monitor)

Israel's delegation reportedly appears to be open to measures easing
the Gaza blockade. (Ma'an/Ha'aretz)

Hamas is reportedly open to allowing PA security forces to monitor the
crossing with Egypt. (Jerusalem Post/Asharq Al-Awsat)

The head of the PA delegation to the Cairo negotiations says Hamas
rule in Gaza is "over."
 (Times of Israel)

Israeli officials say gaps in the negotiations are still "very wide."
(Times of Israel)

The costs of destruction from the war in Gaza are estimated at $5
billion. (Al Monitor)

Israeli warships open fire on Palestinian fishing vessels near Rafah. (Ma'an)

Palestinians are pushing for the creation of a Gaza seaport in
cease-fire negotiations in Cairo. (New York Times)

The Foreign Press Association condemns Hamas's censorship and
restrictions against journalists. (YNet)

Palestinian families are divided by Israeli policies. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

US welcomes the appointment of a new Iraqi Prime Minister designate.
(New York Times)

Iran also expresses support for the Iraqi Prime Minister designate. (AP)

PM al-Maliki orders the Iraqi Army to stay out of politics. (AP)

Al-Maliki appears more isolated than ever as tensions rise in Baghdad.

The New York Times profiles IS leader al-Baghdadi. (New York Times)

American officials reportedly admit they were taken aback by the rapid
rise of IS in Iraq
. (Ha'aretz)

Human Rights Watch says "crimes against humanity" may have been
committed in Egypt last summer. (AP/Washington Post)

The Libyan Parliament agrees to direct presidential elections. (Reuters)


David Kenner says battle-hardened militants in Gaza see the current
truce as only temporary and want to keep fighting. (Foreign Policy)

Avi Issacharoff says talk of a deal in Cairo may be unduly optimistic.
(Times of Israel)

Raphael Ahren asks what Israel is expected to get out of the
negotiations. (Times of Israel)

Gadi Taub says many on the Israeli left supported the Gaza war because
Hamas opposes a two-state solution. (The Forward)

Janine Zacharia asks why Israel didn't use tunnel mapping technology
to avoid fatalities in Gaza. (Washington Post)

Uri Arad says the "Hannibal Directive" is the beginning of fascism in
Israel. (YNet)

Abdulrahman Al-Rashed says IS is wittingly or unwittingly serving
Pres. Assad and al-Maliki. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The New York Times says Iraq needs a new prime minister. (New York Times)

Ali Allawi says Iraqis need a prime mister who can unite them. (New York Times)

Ziad al-Ali says Iraqi institutions must be rebuilt from the top down.
(New York Times)

David Brooks says Hillary Clinton seems to be offering a wise
alternative on Iraq and other foreign policy challenges to Pres.
Obama's policies. (New York Times)

Aaron David Miller says Obama remains a risk-averse president, and
that's a good thing. (Foreign Policy)

Hassan Hassan says a new Iraqi Prime Minister presents important
opportunities for Arab Gulf states. (The National)

The Gulf News says Qatar must stop fighting with its GCC partners. (Gulf News)


Palestinians and Israelis resume talks in Egypt and another
cease-fire. (New York Times/Reuters/Washington Post)

Hamas may have obtained money to pay unpaid salaries in Gaza. (Times of Israel)

Israeli forces kill a Fatah activist in a raid on Nablus. (Ma'an)

Palestinian teenager is killed by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. (Xinhua/Reuters)

An Israeli airstrike damages a church in Gaza. (Washington Post)

Palestinians in Gaza expressed grief, anger and pride. (New York Times)

Gaza's wounded are a living reminder of the cost of war. (AP)

Turkey evacuates wounded Palestinians from Gaza. (AP/Reuters)

80 members of a Gaza clan have been living in a single household. (Los Angeles Times)

Gaza teenager's tweets have made her social media phenomenon. (Reuters)

Anti-Israel tweets may have cost a professor his job at the University
of Illinois
. (CNN)

International donors are already exploring ways of rebuilding in Gaza.
(The National)

The Gaza war is spurring campaigns to boycott Israel. (Ha'aretz)

Israeli arms manufacturers have made a great deal of money from the
Gaza war. (Ha'aretz)

Hamas is reported to have executed dozens of tunnel diggers. (Times of Israel)

Kurds retake Iraqi towns from Sunni extremists. (New York Times)

The US is sending weapons to Kurdish forces in Iraq. (AP)

PM al-Maliki intensifies efforts to keep his job. (AP)

Sec. Kerry issues a warning to al-Maliki. (New York Times/Washington Post)

Egypt dissolves the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Freedom and Justice Party. (Reuters)


Thomas Friedman interviews Pres. Obama. (New York Times)

Hillary Clinton appears to be critical of Obama's foreign policy. (The Atlantic)

The Forward says Pres. Abbas must play a crucial role in the aftermath
of the Gaza conflict. (The Forward)

David Kenner says the Gaza war is far from over. (Foreign Policy)

Roger Cohen says Israelis need to find their voices of conscience.
(New York Times)

Ronen Bergman says Hamas beat Israel in Gaza. (New York Times)

Uri Savir says resistance is now more popular than negotiations among
Palestinians. (Al Monitor)

Dennis Ross says Hamas could've chosen peace but made Gaza suffer.
(Washington Post)

Anis Kassim says Israel was not acting in self-defense in Gaza. (Jordan Times)

Elhanan Miller looks at the level of support for and opposition to
Hamas in Gaza. (Times of Israel)

Gideon Levy says Israeli should go to Gaza and learn about Palestinian
life there. (Ha'aretz)

Hana Salah says many journalists were killed in the Gaza war. (Al Monitor)

Mamoun Fandy says the Gaza hostilities demonstrate the end of the
Arab-Israeli conflict. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Salman Aldossary condemns what he calls "the campaign of lies and
incitement against Saudi Arabia." (Asharq Al Awsat)

Vali Nasr says the US can use its power to contain, but not reshape,
an emerging new Middle East. (New York Times)

Masoud Barzani says Kurdistan and Iraq need urgent help against
Islamic extremists. (Washington Post)

Hussein Ibish says ISIS and its narrative of success must be broken
immediately. (The National)


The Gaza ceasefire expires as missiles are launched into Israel and
Israel resumes attacks on Gaza. (New York Times/Reuters/Los Angeles

A child is killed and 11 others injured in renewed Israeli strikes on
Gaza. (Ma'an)

Two Israelis are injured by rockets fired from Gaza. (Jerusalem Post)

Palestinians in Gaza once again flee their homes. (AFP)

The Gaza conflict could lead to the return of the PA to Gaza and
renewed peace talks. (Washington Post)

Israel declares Gaza an "enemy territory" to avoid compensating its
residents. (Ha'aretz)

Gaza is reeling from a humanitarian crisis brought on by the war. (Ha'aretz)

UNRWA is winning grudging respect from Israeli military officials. (The Forward)

Hamas reportedly executed one of its top officials a few days ago.
(Times of Israel)

Young people in Gaza dream of a better life. (Reuters)

The Economist lists the basic statistics on Israel and Gaza. (The Economist)

An Israeli professor is widely condemned for wishing safety to
Palestinians in Gaza. (The Forward)

Jordan is accused of barring entry to Palestinians fleeing Syria. (Reuters)

IS extremists make more advances against Kurdish forces in northern
Iraq. (New York Times)

Pres. Obama says the US may use air strikes to keep IS away from
Erbil. (AP/Reuters/Washington Post)

Iraqi and Kurdish officials welcome the announcement. (AP)

Obama's decision appears reluctant. (New York Times)


Hussein Ibish looks at the dilemma facing Hamas between a failed war
and more war. (The Atlantic)

William Saletan says Israel, too, is caught in a bind. (Slate)

Alan Philps says the cycle of war in Gaza must be broken. (The National)

Gershom Gorenberg says peace is the only way to break the cycle of
violence. (American Prospect)

Yossi Sarid says Gaza is "driving Israel crazy." (Ha'aretz)

Gideon Levy says Israeli is "its own worst enemy." (CNN)

Zvi Bar'el says Pres. Sisi is a big winner for now but Hamas is
reshaping regional alliances. (Ha'aretz)

Matthew Levitt says Gaza is not about to become an Islamic state. (The
New Republic)

Bruce Riedel says Saudi Arabia was determined to ensure Sisi prevailed
in Gaza diplomacy. (Al Monitor)

Felice Friedson says the "terror tunnels" symbolize the trap of the
Gaza conflict. (The Media Line)

Ahmad Majdoubeh says Israel's military power needs to be curbed. (Jordan Times)

Amos Harel and Gili Cohen ask what happened in Rafah on "Black Friday"

George Hishmeh thinks Hamas has gained in popularity with Palestinians
and other Arabs. (Gulf News)

Erel Segal says Hamas's claims of victory ring hollow. (Al Monitor)

Shmuel Rosner says Israel can survive with its liberal "fair weather
fans." (New York Times)

The New York Times says the US and international community need to go
further in the battle against IS. (New York Times)

Abdulrahman Al-Rashed says Egyptian intervention in Libya may be
required. (Asharq Al- Awsat)

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