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Israel recloses Gaza border crossings despite concern over food and fuel shortages (1) (2). Sports activities in integrated public schools unite Israeli and Palestinian children through sports (3). The Financial Times speculates on President-elect Obama's Middle East policy (4). Israel is set to free 250 Palestinian prisoners in a goodwill gesture to President Mahmoud Abbas (5). Israel launches an incursion into southern Gaza (6). Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad urges the international community to increase pressure on Israel to stop settlement activity (10).
As speculation flies about U.S. President-elect Obama’s cabinet, an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times by Aaron David Miller outlines the qualities necessary for an effective Secretary of State (1). An Israeli airstrike kills four Palestinians in Gaza (2). A number of Israeli soldiers face trial by court martial for the abuse of a blindfolded Palestinian man (3). Israel opens a Gaza border crossing to allow in a limited amount of humanitarian aid (4). Outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert suggests the release of 250 Palestinian prisoners next month (6).
The New York Times reports on Israeli settlers eager to quit the West Bank (1). The Israeli blockade forces Gaza City's power plant to shut down (2). The Saudi government gives a cool reception to Israeli President Shimon Peres' support of the Arab peace plan (3). Violence on the Gaza-Israel border continues to threaten the ceasefire (4) (5) (6). Jordan King Abdullah restates his support for a two-state solution (7). Britain announces plans to label Israeli products manufactured in West Bank settlements (8). Defense Minister Ehud Barak continued to approve settlement construction despite the Israeli commitment to the Road Map (9).
Yesterday's violence on the Gaza border again threatens the truce that has been in place since June (1) (6). The United Nations is forced to suspend food aid to 1.5 million people after Israel refuses to allow emergency supplies into Gaza (2). Israeli President Shimon Peres lauds Saudi King Abdullah's work on the Arab peace initiative (3) (9). Mayor-elect of Jerusalem, Nir Barakat, vows to keep the city "undivided" (5). Ehud Barak, Israeli defense minister and head of the Labor party, announces that Labor will not join a coalition government that is not committed to advancing peace talks with the Palestinians (7).
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is interviewed by Arabic language daily Al-Ayyam (1). Gun fighting breaks out on the Gaza-Israel border, leaving four Palestinian militants dead (2). Jerusalem elects secular candidate Nir Barkat to be their next mayor (3). Israel forces a group of visiting diplomats to cancel a walking tour of the West Bank town of Hebron (4). The United Nations hosts an interfaith dinner with Arab leaders in New York (5). Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas continues discussion about reconciliation with Hamas (6) (7). Israel allows delivery of diesel into Gaza (8). An advisor to U.S. President-elect Barack Obama denies reports that his team has met with Hamas (11).

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