Hussein Ibish
Senior Fellow



Hussein Ibish is a Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP). He is a regular contributor to many American and Middle Eastern publications. He has made thousands of radio and television appearances and was the Washington, DC Correspondent for the Daily Star (Beirut).

Ibish is editor and principal author of 3 major studies of Hate Crimes and Discrimination against Arab Americans 1998-2000 (ADC, 2001),Sept. 11, 2001-Oct. 11, 2002 (ADC, 2003), and 2003-2007(ADC, 2008). He is author of “At the Constitution’s Edge: Arab Americans and Civil Liberties in the United States” in States of Confinement (St. Martin’s Press, 2000), “Anti-Arab Bias in American Policy and Discourse” in Race in 21st Century America (Michigan State University Press, 2001), “Race and the War on Terror,” in Race and Human Rights (Michigan State University Press, 2005) and “Symptoms of Alienation: How Arab and American Media View Each Other“ in Arab Media in the Information Age (ECSSR, 2005). He is also the author, along with Ali Abunimah, of “The Palestinian Right of Return” (ADC, 2001) and “The Media and the New Intifada” in The New Intifada (Verso, 2001). He is also the editor, along with Saliba Sarsar, of Principles and Pragmatism (ATFP, 2006).

His most recent book is What’s Wrong with the One-State Agenda? Why Ending the Occupation and Peace with Israel is Still the Palestinian National Goal (ATFP, 2009).

Ibish served as Executive Director of the Hala Salaam Maksoud Foundation for Arab-American Leadership from 2004-2009. From 1998-2004, Ibish served as Communications Director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. He has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

 Follow Hussein on Twitter: @Ibishblog

Publications, Press and Speeches

Israel’s rhetoric exposes some disturbing moral grey areas July 27, 2014
Israel's latest self-inflicted wound July 22, 2014
Gaza crisis reveals regional splits over the Brotherhood July 19, 2014
Bibi's First War July 16, 2014
Has Netanyahu closed the door on peace? July 15, 2014
Rihanna's #FreePalestine Tweet Deleted Minutes After It Was Posted July 15, 2014
Why Hamas' military wing scuttled a ceasefire with Israel July 15, 2014
Palestinians die in the most cynical of all military games July 13, 2014
Whither the Palestinians July 7, 2014
Israeli Intel Chief: Hamas Is Just Like ISIS June 30, 2014
Self-fulfilling prophecies are a danger to Iraq and Syria June 29, 2014
The knowledge constituency versus the ignorance lobby June 10, 2014
Don't squander the Pope's pro-Palestinian message May 27, 2014
Attacks on dissenting journalists show how scared Hezbollah really is May 20, 2014
Is the Mideast peace process dead? April 24, 2014
The heresy of equivalency April 15, 2014
Palestinians and Israelis must be taught the truth April 12, 2014
Athletes and artists show Gaza still occupied April 9, 2014
Surrounded by fanatics March 31, 2014
‘Tough love’ will keep Israel and the Palestinians straight March 29, 2014
GCC impasse is about the role Egypt plays in region March 22, 2014
The real impact of Israel's "Jewish state" demand March 11, 2014
Stateless and Starving March 7, 2014
Obama puts Israel on notice March 4, 2014
How many times must the Palestinians recognize Israel? March 3, 2014
Nationalism is a familiar force chasing Islamists in the region March 1, 2014
Harmful rhetoric can break the momentum of boycott efforts February 8, 2014
A Personal Middle East Conflict In The Fight For Palestine January 21, 2014
Murdering Palestinians by starvation January 14, 2014
The Sharon Doctrine January 11, 2014
It’s wrong to use history to serve political narratives January 4, 2014
Palestinians and Israelis can coexist if occupation ends December 16, 2013
Time for honesty about dialogue with Israel December 3, 2013
Freedom and equality are at the core of the Palestinians’ struggle Read more: Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | on Facebook November 30, 2013
French ‘hawkishness’ on show from Africa to the Middle East November 18, 2013
How the Iran nuclear talks affect Israel’s confidence in the U.S. as mediator November 13, 2013
Arab-Americans must embrace success over victimhood November 12, 2013
Arab-Americans must find a way to engage in politics September 1, 2013
Is Syria Being 'Lebanized' or is Lebanon Being 'Syrianized'? August 29, 2013
'Quiet man' Kerry's strategy for Middle East peace May 1, 2013
Speaker Urges Two State Solution April 23, 2013
Kerry's visit to Mideast hopes to pave way for talks April 4, 2013
Palestinians Fight Prison Sentences for Mocking Their President on Facebook March 28, 2013
Real Complexities Face Palestine At The ICC March 28, 2013
How American Diplomats Became Israel’s Lawyers March 22, 2013
Crowdsourcing Peace March 21, 2013
As Hamas rises, peace prospects sink, observers say March 19, 2013
Kerry's Impromptu Meeting With Abbas March 11, 2013
Why is Israel tweeting airstrikes? November 19, 2012
Morsi's Gaza Challenge November 16, 2012
The battle between Israel and Gaza solves nothing November 16, 2012
Arab Americans Need Political Normalization November 12, 2012
A Memo to the US President November 6, 2012
The Next US Administration and Palestine October 31, 2012
Hamas Rising? October 25, 2012
The Lessons of Novembers Past October 16, 2012
Hamas in transition October 9, 2012
Western double standards and free speech October 2, 2012
Mideast Peace Mired as Abbas Trades Taunts With Netanyahu September 28, 2012
Abbas set to renew bid to upgrade Palestine's UN status September 27, 2012
Palestinian Leader Abbas Back at UN With Lowered Aims September 26, 2012
A Hollow Call For "Justice" September 17, 2012
You Don't Have to Live Like a Refugee September 7, 2012
Is peace a “vital” American interest? September 4, 2012
Bibi's own "tree limb" August 28, 2012
Bulldozing the Special Relationship August 28, 2012
Paul Ryan, Meet Dr. Lewis and Mr. Bernard August 16, 2012
What Edward Really Said August 15, 2012
“Dear President Perez” August 7, 2012
In Israel, Romney wows crowds but puzzles with grasp of Palestinian relationship July 31, 2012
Romney Versus the World Bank July 30, 2012
Was Yasser Arafat Poisoned? July 18, 2012
The Anti-Balfour Declaration July 10, 2012
Arafatuous July 5, 2012
What Does Morsi Mean for Israel? July 5, 2012
Jews Must Repudiate All Hatred, Especially From One of Their Own June 26, 2012
Palestine nominates birthplace of Jesus in controversial UNESCO World Heritage bid June 19, 2012
Hamas 'left behind' by Arab Spring June 14, 2012
Democracy in Arabia June 11, 2012
When Will the Six-Day War End? June 7, 2012
Defining a Palestinian refugee a US complication May 31, 2012
Why Unilateralism Won't Work May 31, 2012
People Power for Peace May 25, 2012
Nothing is “inevitable” May 22, 2012
Beware "Creative Alternatives" May 18, 2012
The Visionary May 4, 2012
Hamas Still Not Ready for Prime Time April 23, 2012
Radical action needed after Oslo's decline April 20, 2012
The Peace Process Stuck in a Rut of Malaise April 13, 2012
Safer Side by Side: Why Israel Needs Palestine April 2, 2012
A settlement boycott can work March 27, 2012
Bret Stephens' Crisis of Empathy March 27, 2012
Show, Don't Tell: Why the Apartheid Analogy Falls Flat March 26, 2012
Match, Spark... March 15, 2012
Who’s Pulling the Strings in the Middle East? Little Qatar, says Syria February 7, 2012
Meshaal's cordial visit to Jordan helps open 'new page' in relations January 30, 2012
Attempting to Answer the Arab Question January 27, 2012
Attempting to Answer the Arab Question January 27, 2012
Gingrich: Palestinians 'invented,' promises Netanyahu-style foreign policy December 12, 2011
Palestinians Rethink Statehood Bid November 17, 2011
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American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017