World Bank - September 21, 2010 - Back to Resources Page

World Bank Economic Monitoring Report for September 2010

A. Introduction

B. Potential for Sustainable Growth
- Recent Economic development
          Private Investment
-Constraints to private sector development
          Selective easing of Gaza blockade
          Lack of access to Area C resources
          Severed link to East Jerusalem
          Curtailed entry of visa holders and "dual-use" items
          Challenges facing the banking sector
          Improvements to the business environment
C. Progress towards robust institutions
- The PA's fiscal position
- Strengthening the fiscal position
          Social safety net
          Public pension system
          Electricity distribution and net landing
- Improving public finance management
          Public procurement
D. Conclusion
E. References

Also contains tables and figures.

WorldBankSep2010AHLCReport.pdf290.67 KB

World Bank - September 21, 2010 - Back to Resources Page

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