The World Bank – PNA - February 28, 2010 - Back to Resources Page

Table 1: Fiscal Operations: Revenues, Expenditures and Financing Sources (Commitment Basis) January, 2010.

Table 2: Detailed Fiscal Operations: Revenues, Expenditures and Net Lending (Commitment Basis) January, 2010.

Table 3: Fiscal Operations: Revenues, Expenditures and Financing Sources (Cash Basis) January, 2010.

Table 4: Consolidated Statement on Fiscal Operations: Revenues, Expenditures and Financing Sources (Cash and Commitment Basis) January, 2010.

Table 5: Revenues by Source (Commitment Basis) January, 2010.

Table 6 A: Expenditures by Function (Commitment Basis) January, 2010.

Table 7: External Budget Support by Donor, January, 2010.

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The World Bank – PNA - February 28, 2010 - Back to Resources Page

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