UNDP - PAPP Report - January 31, 2010 - Back to Resources Page

The Outcome Evaluation underscores UNDP/PAPP’s1 unique role and programme
within the UNDP system in the ongoing conflict environment of the occupied
Palestinian territory. In this context, UNDP has provided services in its large
investments to the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) in infrastructure development
and employment generation. Additionally, UNDP’s governance portfolio is focused on
strengthening the responsiveness of governing institutions. Within the evolving
political and institutional context, UNDP is moving towards a more upstream policy
role through institutional and capacity building support to the Palestinian Authority
while continuing its early recovery support.

The evaluation focuses on two strategic and interrelated outcomes in UNDP’s Mid
Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) that represent UNDP’s comparative advantage. The
assessment included a comprehensive desk review, semi-structured one on one and
group discussions with UNDP staff in the East Jerusalem, Ramallah and Gaza offices;
government officials, donor partners, and visits to West Bank and Gaza. Additionally,
field visits in Gaza provided the opportunity to view and discuss three micro finance
projects with the CSO project staff and beneficiaries.

Meetings and discussions in Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza explored issues related to
the efficiency and effectiveness of programme implementation; the validity and
relevance of interventions in poverty reduction and improving governance; cross
cutting issues; contributions to Crisis Prevention and Recovery and the peace process
and lessons learned.

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UNDP - PAPP Report - January 31, 2010 - Back to Resources Page

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