Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute - November 18, 2009 - Back to Resources Page

The aim of this study is to estimate water needs in The Palestinian
Territories for various uses (municipal, industrial, and cultural) up to the
year 2020. The study stresses the vital need of developing additional water
resources for Palestine. By the end of the coming decade, an extra 550
million cubic meters a year will be required to meet water needs. This
presents an enormous challenge as the current water supply covers just
40% of the estimated water needs in the West Bank and Gaza for the year

The study applies relatively simple projection methods to estimate water
needs in the three main sectors (residential, industrial and agriculture). It is
therefore important to stress that the aim of the study is not to make
precise projections of future water needs, or to identify all possible water
outlets and factors that might affect water consumption. Rather, the aim is
to give a general idea of the extent and seriousness of future water
shortages in the Palestinian Territories in the near future. Establishing the
extent of the problem is meant to invoke the Palestinian policy-makers and
decision-takers to take action and work on increasing supplies, on two
fronts: First, to increase Palestine’s share of the underground and surface
water available in the area between the Jordan Valley and the
Mediterranean. Second, to initiate serious planning to develop
unconventional resources of water, such as water desalination and water
treatment stations for brackish and sewage water that can be used for

Finally, and on behalf of MAS, I would like to express our gratitude to
AECID and ACPP for funding this study and for their support of the Food
Security unit at MAS.

Numan Kanafani
General Director

To download the full report please click below:

Future Water Palestine.pdf2.67 MB

Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute - November 18, 2009 - Back to Resources Page

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American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017