TODAY, 12 November 2009, the European Union (EU) launched the second phase of its major judiciary programme the 'Seyada' project. 'Seyada II', is the largest project funded by the EU for the development and strengthening of the Palestinian judicial system with a budget of €4.4m. Beneficiaries of the project include the High Judicial Council, the Palestinian Judicial Institute and the Palestinian Bar Association.
This second phase of the 'Seyada' project will help the Palestinian Authority develop a more independent, impartial, efficient, transparent and modern justice system. 'Seyada II' builds on the accomplishments of the first phase of the project, which focused on training judges and public prosecutors and on institutional and capacity building. Seyada II extends the scope of this work and is concerned with developing the High Judicial Council, the Palestinian Judicial Institute, the Palestinian Bar Association, setting up a legal aid system and strengthening constitutional review.
European Commission Representative, Mr. Christian Berger, said at the launch: "The 'Seyada' project is a vital element of the EU's assistance programme for the Palestinian Authority. The EU is committed to the establishment of a viable, democratic and independent Palestinian state and it is clear that this ambition will only be realized through maintaining and developing the rule of law across its territory. 'Seyada II' will build on the many achievements of the first phase of the project and will greatly improve the delivery of justice to all Palestinians".
Chief Justice, Judge Issa Abu-Sharar also spoke at the Seyada II launch: "The current development in the Judicial Authority would not have been achieved without the support the Palestinian National Authority received from donors who delivered assistance that is in line with the needs of the judiciary. We hope that the Seyada II Project will deliver assistance that responds to the judicial authority's needs, and will build upon the experience gained from the successes and weaknesses of earlier efforts. We look forward to cooperating closely through the Seyada II Project, and to benefiting significantly from the support provided by the project. We hope that the contributions of the project will be concrete and advantageous to the current process of building and developing the judiciary."
Seyada II will run until August 2012. Seyada II is funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium led by ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH and including the Belgian Development Cooperation Agency (BTC-CTB) and the Centre for International Legal Cooperation (CILC).
For Media inquiries please contact:
Mr. Alfons Lentze, Team Leader
Mr. Feras Milhem, Deputy Team Leader
Irsal Str., Kana'an Bldg, Ramallah
West Bank, Palestine
Tel.: (++970/972 2) 297 6305
Fax: (++970/972 2) 297 6311
Seyada II project activities
- Seyada II will support the High Judicial Council. The project will support the work of the Council's Inspection Office that has overall responsibility for quality control such as evaluating judges' work, ensuring that the law and procedures are properly applied and that judgments are properly assessed. Seyada II will assist the Council's Technical Office to facilitate access to information and legal resources for judges and for the legal community. The project will support the work of the Council's Media Department and train Court of Cassation judges to ensure that judgments are well reasoned. Seyada II will help establish legal libraries throughout the West Bank, and will support the procurement of IT equipment required by the justice sector.
- Seyada II will assist the Palestinian Judicial Institute to improve legal professionalism through initial and continuing professional training programmes such as a judicial training system for judges and public prosecutors, the development of a two-year Judicial Studies Diploma Programme, training for trainers' activities and professional education programmes for non-justice staff.
- Seyada II is the first instance of major international donor funding for the Palestinian Bar Association to support institutional and capacity building and to run initial and continuing professional training for lawyers.
- Seyada II will assist the Palestinian Authority to extend the Legal Aid system in the Palestinian Territory so that all citizens can access justice regardless of their means.
- Seyada II aims to improve Constitutional Review by the High Court to help ensure the compatibility of laws and regulations with Palestinian Basic Law. The project will review legislation, train judges in constitutional issues, as well as work to develop judges' knowledge and skills in judicial review.
European Union activities supporting the Rule of Law in Palestine
The EU supports a number of important initiatives to improve Palestinian rule of law, investing more than €40 million in such programmes. Current programmes include:
- New Nablus muqata complex, providing central infrastructure for the security services and detention facilities complying with international standards (€15 million).
- Construction of the Jenin muqata (€8.5million).
- The EU is the single largest single donor to the Jericho Police Training Centre.
- The EU works closely with many local civil society organisations on rule of law projects.
- The EU will shortly deploy a team of experts in civil justice to work alongside EUPOL COPPS which focuses on criminal justice.
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