Palestine Investment Fund - October 1, 2009 - Back to Resources Page

The Palestine Investment Fund (PIF)'s newsletter Investment News covers latest developments in PIF's activities, programs and initiatives. In this issue:
- Al-Reehan neighborhood progress
- Al-Reehan, a strong turn-out at the first Palestine Real Estate Exhibition
- President Abbas lays the cornerstone for the Al-Jinan neighborhood in Jenin
- LGF: Enabling business and innovation in Palestine
- Reaching out: A revamped website for the PIF
- RIWAQ-PIF plays a leading role in the preservation of our heritage
- PIF's Outreach program expands to Hebron and Qalqilyeh
and others...

PifNewsletter Issue3EN.pdf696.02 KB

Palestine Investment Fund - October 1, 2009 - Back to Resources Page

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American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017