European Journal of Social Sciences - September 16, 2009 - Back to Resources Page

The paper provides evidence that Palestinian economic conditions are related to the level
of attacks against Israelis. Also, the paper makes an attempt to analyze attack patterns by
the various Palestinian militant groups. Using an original dataset from 1990-2002, the
author finds that Palestinian groups that are founded as religious organizations tend to use
more suicide attack tactics compared to their secular counterparts. As for the causal link
between political violence and deprivation theory, the negative binomial regression shows
that Palestinian economic conditions are linked to political violence. Precisely, an increase
in the Palestinian income per capita can reduce Palestinian attacks against Israelis.
Likewise, the statistical model predicts that a reduction in the unemployment rate would
reduce the incentive for Palestinians to participate in political violence. Finally the paper
addresses the issue of Palestinian grievances as a source of attacks. The analysis will show
that shooting attacks against Israelis will rise with the number of Palestinians killed while
suicide attacks are not correlated with the number of Palestinians killed. Israel’s violent
repression of Palestinians is proved to increase rather than suppress attacks.

To download the full report please click below:

ejss_7_4_02.pdf82.56 KB

European Journal of Social Sciences - September 16, 2009 - Back to Resources Page

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