Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute - December 31, 2008 - Back to Resources Page

Corporate Governance plays an important role in increasing the
competitiveness of shareholding companies through enhancing
transparency, improving corporate management, ensuring the
formulation of appropriate strategic decisions and ensuring fair
treatment of shareholders, personnel, creditors and other
stakeholders. Hence, reflecting on the decrease of funding costs and
improving financial performance. On the macro level, corporate
governance contributes in reassuring investors, and providing a
suitable environment with acceptable earnings and risks, therefore
enhancing the economy’s ability to attract local and foreign

This study measures Palestinian public shareholding companies’
adherence to corporate governance principles, as issued by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),
the study aims to analyze the impact of such practices on corporate
financial performance and recommends some policies related to the
companies per se and others to providing competent Palestinian
authorities with the bases of proper governance procedures and the
establishment of a comprehensive Palestinian governance system.
We hope that the analyses and recommendations will increase the
competitiveness of these companies and help all stakeholders make
sound investment, credit, service, administrative and financial
decisions on the short and long runs.

To download the full report please click below:

enhancing corporate governance.pdf99.96 KB

Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute - December 31, 2008 - Back to Resources Page

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