1. Introduction
1.1. The visit to the OPT started on Sunday, 31 August 2008 and was completed on Friday, 5 September 2008. It entailed meetings with a wide range of players from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs, with a number of experts from the TVET and university sectors, as well as with representatives from various international development agencies and donors (including the Belgian Technical Cooperation, GTZ, the ILO, Save the Children, UNRWA, and the Quartet) and NGOs (such as the Sharek Youth Forum and the YMCA). The mission also included visits to the Labour Office in Ramallah, to two vocational schools and technical colleges, where focus interviews with two mixed groups totalling 40 students were held, and to the UNRWA Ramallah Men’s Technical College. The mapping does not include Gaza, which, despite several efforts proved difficult to visit. While some aspects of the mapping apply to the Gaza strip as much as to the West Bank, others are context-specific, relating to both economic and political dynamics in the two sites. The programme of the meetings and visits—which was modified on the basis of leads suggested during interviews, and in response to opportunities that arose during the mission—is appended as Annex 1.
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