UK Department for International Development - March 28, 2008 - Back to Resources Page

Israeli-Palestinian peace is a top priority for the UK Government and is essential for sustainable poverty reduction and economic growth in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Through its financial and technical support to the Palestinians, the Department for International Development (DFID) makes an important contribution to these objectives.

DFID's Country Assistance Plan (CAP) for the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) expired in June 2007. The team had published an Interim Programme Update in June 2006 to interpret the CAP's priorities in relation to changing circumstances since hits publication.

Over the last year, the political and economic landscape has again changed significantly, and may continue to do so. In addition, at the Paris conference in December 2007, the UK announced significantly increased funding of up to $243(UK) million over the next three years, linked to actions taken n the ground that will enable the increase to be spent effectively. This update explains the direction of DFID's programme until a CAP is developed to cover our new commitments from 2008 onwards.

To download the full report please click below:

interim-plan-palestine-08.pdf2.15 MB

UK Department for International Development - March 28, 2008 - Back to Resources Page

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