Official Palestinian Authority Document - March 9, 2008 - Back to Resources Page

Dear Mr. Zoellick,

1. In December 2007, we published the Palestinian Reform and Development Plan. This document lays out our vision of an independent Palestinian state. It Highlights steps we have already taken to restore good governance and the rule of law to the West Bank - steps we believe demonstrate our commitment to realizing this vision... Whilst the stalled peace process and the tightening grip of the occupation have played a powerful role in shaping events, we acknowledge we had given insufficient attention to shortcomings in governance, law and order, and basic service deliver. We are now absolutely determined to rebuild the trust of our citizens and our international partners in the Palestinian National Authority by embarking on a challenging reform and development agenda for stabilization and recovery.

2. We are not complacent about the scale of the task ahead. Progress must be made to upgrade all Palestinian institutions of government. We intend to create a secure and stable internal environment in which social and economic development can take place, and in which the institutional infrastructure of a Palestinian state can develop and thrive. This must go hand in hand with sustained and serious political dialogue, and concrete steps and commitments by all parties towards a lasting peace. We are committed to bringing safety and security to the West Bank and Gaza. Our immediate goal is to return to the status quoe ante before the escalation of conflict in September 2000 by resuming full security control in Area A. Our ultimate goal is to assume full authority and responsibility for security within and at the borders of the future Palestinian state.

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Official Palestinian Authority Document - March 9, 2008 - Back to Resources Page

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