UN Office of the Special Envoy for Disengagement - December 11, 2007 - Back to Resources Page

The United Nations is submitting the 54th bi-weekly report on the implementation of the 15 November 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access (AMA), covering the period 28 November – 11 December 2007.

No significant progress is reported: Kerem Shalom remains the only crossing point open for the import of commercial and humanitarian supplies, and exports are still banned. Karni and Sufa crossings remain closed for the movement of goods to and from Gaza. Only a single-lane conveyor belt/chute at Karni continues to function for the import of wheat grain and animal feed into Gaza. Exceptionally, gravel for a waste water treatment project was allowed into Gaza via Sufa during this reporting period. Overall, a total of 950 truckloads, including 136 from humanitarian agencies, were allowed into Gaza between 28 November and 11 December, compared to 936 truckloads in the previous reporting period. Erez crossing remains closed for all Palestinians except for those with special coordination arrangements with the Israeli District Civil Liaison. Rafah crossing was open in one direction (without prior coordination with Israeli authorities) on 3, 4 and 7 December for the departure of Palestinian pilgrims, but remained generally closed for all other Palestinians (the crossing was last open on 9 June).

To download the full report please click below:

AMA54.pdf89.64 KB

UN Office of the Special Envoy for Disengagement - December 11, 2007 - Back to Resources Page

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