USAID - December 31, 2006 - Back to Resources Page

The fourth quarter of 2006 was marked with a significant momentum of DAI/PED’s Business Development Services (BDS) Unit. Individual technical assistance services started with 13 SMEs and 3 women cooperatives in the West Bank, more than 18 potential business startups were identified for technical assistance in Gaza Strip, and completion of the design of a series of training workshops in quality management system, ISO 9000:2000 and Sales Management. Also, DAI/PED Technical Business Advisors participated in a specialized certification program titled “ISO 9000-2000 Auditor / Lead Auditor”; implemented by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd. in Amman – Jordan from November 26 – 30 2006. The 5-day course concentrates on the development of practical core ISO 9000 assessment skills required for providing technical assistance to client firms.

Moreover, this quarter marked the launching of DAI/PED’s Apprenticeship Program with a number of multiple backbone and sector-specific institutions and associations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The program is intended to facilitate the employment of recent university graduates through addressing the mismatch between graduate skill sets and private sector needs. To this end, UPPM finalized the initial screening of the received 391 applicants that responded to the Apprenticeship Program with UPPM.

The fourth quarter of 2006 marked the re-engagement process with the pharmaceutical cluster, number of visits and one-on-one meetings were conducted with the management and department managers of six pharmaceutical manufacturers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The visits were intended to understand the operational environment of these companies in order to identify opportunities for improving their overall performance in areas of production, marketing and sales, quality and financial management. A total of 42-hour of training for 23 participants from pharmaceutical companies were provided in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Also, the first Firm level Letter of Agreement (FL) was signed with MEGAPHARM (UPPM member and the only pharmaceutical company in Gaza Strip). The agreement covers three main tracks: i) Enhancing the company Quality System, ii) Improve management decision making by using financial tools, and iii) Improve Marketing and Sales Management.

To download the full report please click below:

PDACL711.pdf141.62 KB

USAID - December 31, 2006 - Back to Resources Page

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