United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - May 26, 2006 - Back to Resources Page

The ability of Palestinians to move inside the West Bank has significantly worsened in the past nine months. The Israeli Government states that the reason behind these restrictions is to prevent militant attacks on Israeli citizens.

A combination of checkpoints, physical obstacles and a permit system has effectively cut the West Bank into three distinct areas in addition to East Jerusalem, see map. Within these areas further enclaves have been created – also bordered by checkpoints and roadblocks – that has led to one Palestinian community being isolated from its neighbour.

The Jordan Valley is practically cut off to Palestinians from the rest of the West Bank. And, over the past year, progressively fewer Palestinians have been able to obtain permits to visit ‘closed areas’ – land to the west of the West Bank Barrier. Restrictions on movement are at the heart of the Palestinian economic decline. The economy is predicted to worsen sharply if Palestinian Authority employees continue to not receive salaries due to a lack of funding after the Hamas victory in the January elections.

Donor attention has turned to the private sector to maintain incomes and economic opportunities for Palestinians. But as this report illustrates, the private sector relies on the free movement of goods and labour – both have been severely curtailed in the past six months by the new restrictions in the West Bank.

To download the full report please click below:

TerritorialFrag_18May06_web.pdf554.46 KB

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - May 26, 2006 - Back to Resources Page

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