World Bank Technical Team - December 2, 2005 - Back to Resources Page

1.1 The section of the Agreement on Movement and Access (the Agreement) on the
Passages derived from a year and a half of technical analysis, parallel discussions by the
World Bank with the parties (July--November 2004) and bi-trilateral negotiations
brokered by Quartet Special Envoy James D. Wolfensohn (July--November 2005).

1.2 This Technical Elaboration serves to clarify the text of the Agreement, and
references the understandings reached between the parties in the lead-up to the
Agreement. In cases where no full understanding was reached, it aims to provide an
interpretation of the text of the Agreement in the spirit of what was concluded on
November 15, 2005.

1.3 Attached to this paper for background information are Table 1 and four Annexes.
Table I, Elements of a Viable Crossing Management System, is part of this Technical
Elaboration. Except where clearly indicated, however, the content of the Annexes should
not be considered a material part of the Technical Elaboration:

- Annex 1--- The World Bank/Quartet Special Envoys’ Office (QSEO) Proposed
Solutions to Unresolved Issues (a briefing paper for both parties entering the final
stage of technical negotiations on the passages)
- Annex 2---The PA’s Comments on the Proposed Solutions paper (via
interpolations in the text)
- Annex 3---Proposal of the Government of Israel on the Coordinated Operation of
the Karni Terminal---Non-paper (GOI’s Response to the Proposed Solutions
- Annex 4---The World Bank/QSEO’s Record of the Negotiations of November 9,

To download the full report please click below:

AgreementMovementAccess.pdf134.27 KB

World Bank Technical Team - December 2, 2005 - Back to Resources Page

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