World Bank Technical Team - September 30, 2005 - Back to Resources Page

This note proposes how convoys for people and goods might operate between the West
Bank and Gaza. Technical discussions will be needed to agree on both concepts and the
operational details.

Given the current lack of agreement between the parties on the how convoys will operate,
it is proposed that operations begin with bus convoys for the transportation of
people, as this should be relatively straightforward to implement. The following is

- A private bus operator, using buses which remain within Israel, would provide
- A private Israeli firm would provide convoy security services;
- The companies would be selected by the PA on a competitive basis, from among a
list of bidders approved by GOI;
- The terms of the contracts would need to be acceptable to GOI;
- Permission to travel would be granted to all Palestinians with the exception of
those deemed by the PA or GOI to be a security risk. While in transit, passengers
would not be subject to arrest unless their conduct en route gives cause for alarm;
- Convoys would run several times a day to three locations serving the southern,
central and northern West Bank;
- The costs of the transport and of the security services would be borne by convoy

To download the full report please click below:

MovementbyConvoys.pdf215.31 KB

World Bank Technical Team - September 30, 2005 - Back to Resources Page

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