Leiden Journal of International Law - January 31, 2005 - Back to Resources Page

With the launch of the UN International Decade for Water on 22 March 2005, awareness is
raised in the international community of the growing demand and scarcity of water for people
throughout the world.Water is a particularly scarce resource in both Israel and the Palestinian
Territories. The use of the water resources of the West Bank and Gaza has been part and parcel
of the Israeli–Palestinian peace negotiations. With the beginning of new peace negotiations
under Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas, the topic of water and its allocation to Palestinians
and Israelis is back on the negotiation table. The present article will point to the water crisis
in Israel and the Palestinian Territories and analyze core provisions of international law which
govern the use of water resources. Finally, it will outline how an allocation of water rights
according to principles of international law could take place.

Please see the link below to view the entire article.

WaterRightsWB.pdf146.35 KB

Leiden Journal of International Law - January 31, 2005 - Back to Resources Page

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