Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad will meet U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday during her visit to Israel, a Palestinian official said.
Ghassan al-Khatib, spokesman for the Palestinian government, said that Fayyad will head to Jerusalem to meet with Clinton, who arrived in Israel Sunday.
Clinton will not visit the Palestinian territories as she did in her last tour in the Middle East two years ago. Al-Khatib said that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is visiting Italy and that he coordinates with Fayyad over the meeting with Clinton.
Fayyad and Clinton will talk about the stalled peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA)'s acute financial crisis.
Fayyad will make it clear to Clinton that the building of Jewish settlements in the West Bank obstruct the resumption of the negotiations, al-Khatib said.
Abbas met Clinton earlier this month in Paris.