President Shimon Peres accepted the credentials today (August 3) of the incoming Ambassador of the United States to Israel, Daniel Shapiro.
President Peres said to Ambassador Shapiro: "As a representative of the great United States of America, which to us is not just a country but the closest friend a nation can have. I would like to express my admiration to the President of the United States. By overcoming the complicated issue of the budget through compromise, he saved both the United States and humanity from a possible disaster. I consider President Obama as a friend of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. I don't have any doubt about it. He represents the best tradition of the United States when it comes to relations with Israel. Not only with words but with deeds, the President has promised on many occasions that the security of Israel will be at the top of his agenda - and he does it."
Ambassador Shapiro, who was Senior Director for the Middle East and North Africa on the National Security Staff at the White House prior to his appointment as Ambassador, surprised President Peres and responded in fluent Hebrew saying:
"Thank you for the warm reception. Your wisdom is something we can learn from. The relationship between the United States and Israel is the most important and strongest we have anywhere in the world. We have common interests and common values and they unite us, our two democracies. We are coping with the same threats and as a result we built an excellent relationship of cooperation, between our governments and our intelligence gathering agencies. But even more important than our strategic relationship is our moral relationship. I have been sent by President Obama to oversee this important relationship. My presence here represents a commitment of President Obama to strengthen and deepen the warm and important relations between the State of Israel and the United States."
On current events in the Middle East, President Peres added: "I think we are in full agreement about the best way to achieve peace. Some countries are committed to supporting the Palestinian's intentions but they are making a mistake. The United Nations can only produce a declaration and what we need is an understanding, not a declaration. Unless the Palestinians and us solve the last remaining issues, no declarations will help. The gaps between both sides are narrow and can be overcome. There is a built-in majority against us at the UN. Also, maybe they can declare peace but they cannot create a peaceful situation. They cannot stop Iran from building bombs, spreading terror, and supporting terrorist groups. Can you have peace without it? We appreciate the position of the President and the Congress on this issue to enter into direct negotiations and not take any empty gestures.
Ambassador Shapiro said: "The current situation in the Middle East is filled with challenges and dangers. There is even a threat against the very existence of the only Jewish and democratic country in the world, the State of Israel. We will face these threats together, as allies, with a central purpose of defending the security of the State of Israel. At the same time we will take advantage of the new realities to promote democracy and the opportunities to establish peace between you and your neighbors, especially the Palestinians."
He also said: "As a representative of President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and in the name of the American people, I will be your partner and the partner of Prime Minister Netanyahu, and all the citizens of Israel. I have worked closely for the past two years with Prime Minister Netanyahu and his advisers and I am sure that this important work will continue."
The Ambassador also mentioned his desire to reach out directly to the people of Israel and open a dialogue with them. He is interested in both hearing their opinions and in representing the United States to them.
(As communicated by the Office of the President of Israel)