A political advisor to Prime Minster Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza says Hamas will present an initiative within the coming days on its government shakeup and rejection of Salam Fayyad's unity government.
Yousef Rezqa told Ma'an that "Hamas, with all of its departments, is considering presenting this initiative to the Palestinians," saying it would "go into detail on what is obstructing the internal situation."
Concerning Fayyad's proposal to form a unity government with Hamas, Rezqa said the plan "was born dead because it expresses the stance of a person, and it doesn't include a political program."
"Even Fatah rejected it, so there's no consensus between Fayyad, Fatah, or the Palestinian Authority."
Asked if the thinks the status quo will survive the Arab uprising, Rezqa said, "We're taking it all into consideration. Everything happening in the Arab world encourages us to seek what is best for the nation rather than in partisan terms. And it is our view that these changes will serve the Palestinian situation."
A political advisor to Mahmoud Abbas, meanwhile, said Fatah looked forward to the disclosures.
"Fatah has proposed that Hamas hold a public session to make the public aware of which party obstructs conciliation," said Namir Hammad, in an interview.
He also said Abbas "backs the formula proposed by Fayyad."