DONATE HEREATFP takes a principled position on the two-state solution that does not generate the kind of support that appeals to victimization. No pointing fingers, posing as champions against injustice, domestic and global, no cheap gestures of verbal defiance and standing up to oppressors everywhere. No tribal, ethnic, religious or racist affiliation that sets you apart as a defender against all those who are your “peoples” enemies. Just hard work, day in and day out, on a compromise that simply seeks two peaceful and secure states, no more and no less. We stand FOR Palestine and not AGAINST Israel, for two-states but against the occupation.

Our supporters might think that we are on the right track but they are not driven by the passion of the victims or the righteous. It is to this thinking segment of people everywhere that we appeal for support. People who care more about the future of the children and the grandchildren than the suffering of their fathers and forefathers, or the religious and nationalist fervors that they evoke. We stand not to redress the injustices of history, of which we are sadly familiar, but to build a better future.

We have an overhead that is ameliorated by the fact that some of our main workers are full time volunteers. We get no support from any government in the world and we have built a national and a global institution on the talents and support of people who believe in the cause of peace as a possibility rather than just a dream.

We have had annual audits posted on our website since ATFP was established in 2003.

Please help us maintain our principled pragmatic course of sanity at these times of aroused passions.

Help us stay independent and engaged by clicking here.

Happy New Year.


President American Task Force on Palestine


American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017