Apr 13 2015 - 9:59am The Palestinians of Yarmouk and the shameful silence when Israel is not to blame
April 13, 2015

When Israel wages war on Palestinians, we speak out. But they are dying, right now, at the hands of an Arab regime

Apr 13 2015 - 9:56am Aid groups urge world to push for end to Gaza blockade
April 13, 2015

A coalition of international aid groups urged the world Monday to deliver on aid promises for Gaza reconstruction and pressure Israel to lift its blockade of the territory, where rebuilding efforts have stalled since last summer's Israel-Hamas war.

Apr 1 2015 - 10:45am Is Israel ready for the new Arab leader Ayman Odeh?
April 1, 2015

The rise of Ayman Odeh, head of the Joint List of Arab parties – which became the third-largest faction in the Knesset when it garnered 13 seats in this month's elections – presents a unique opportunity to improve Jewish-Arab relations in Israel.

Apr 1 2015 - 10:43am Palestinians prepared to trigger case as they join ICC
April 1, 2015

The Palestinian Authority joined the International Criminal Court on Wednesday, a move deeply opposed by Israel, vowing to hand over suspects to The Hague, including their own government officials.

Apr 1 2015 - 10:44am Palestinians to receive partial salaries as Israel withholds funds
April 1, 2015

The Palestinian Authority will pay partial salaries to most of its employees for a fourth straight month in April after Israel failed to transfer revenue it collects on the Palestinians' behalf, the Palestinian Finance Ministry said.

Mar 31 2015 - 11:14am Israel’s Drive toward Self-Destruction
March 31, 2015

Netanyahu must offer up hope to Palestinians or face a revived de-legitimization movement.

Mar 31 2015 - 11:10am Palestinian Discontent With Abbas Is Growing
March 31, 2015

To an increasing number of Palestinians, Abbas is inextricably enmeshed with their broader problems. A colorless leader in the 10th year of what was meant to have been a five-year term — the Palestinian leadership has not held a presidential election since 2005.

Mar 31 2015 - 11:09am Dilemma for Israel as Palestinians join war crimes court
March 31, 2015

The Palestinian Authority becomes the 123rd member of the International Criminal Court on Wednesday, a major step that could move its decades-long conflict with Israel into a courtroom.

Mar 30 2015 - 11:10am EU not reassessing relationship to Israel… yet, envoy says
March 30, 2015

Unlike the United States government, the European Union is not currently reassessing its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the group’s top envoy to Israel said Sunday.

Mar 30 2015 - 11:09am Pres. Abbas: Yemen policy should extend to Palestine
March 30, 2015

Pres. Abbas says: "I hope the Arab states carry out the same policy that they are in Yemen in the case of all Arab nations that suffer from internal conflicts – such as Palestine, Syria, Libya, and Iraq."

American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017