Pres. Abbas Speaks at Brookings on Peace, US-Palestinian Relations
June 11, 2010 I want my grandsons -- one of them is here -- to live in peace, to feel that he belongs to something. I want him to live normal life. I didn’t live normal life, believe me. I didn’t. |
Where is Israel taking its occupation?
June 11, 2010 Palestinians cannot be expected to acquiesce to, much less subsidize, their own oppression and they have every right to peacefully and lawfully challenge the occupation and demand clarity. |
Abbas’ D.C. Charm Offensive
June 11, 2010 An upbeat Abbas used the flurry of Washington public appearances to convey a larger message: that he is a willing and reasonable peace partner both for the White House and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and to put forward his proposals for moving the process forward. |
Charlie Rose Interview With President Abbas
June 10, 2010 Abbas: We will not sign any agreement that does not include East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. |
Fact Sheet on U.S. Assistance to the West Bank and Gaza
June 10, 2010 These initiatives result directly from the advocacy and guidance of President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, whose leadership is making a difference for the Palestinian people, in Gaza as well as the West Bank. |
Remarks by President Obama and President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority after Meeting
June 9, 2010 "I commended President Abbas for the excellent work that he and Prime Minister Fayyad have been engaged in over the last several years in strengthening the security as well as improving the economic situation for his people." |
ATFP Board Member Recent Achievements Update
June 9, 2010 $1.105 billion contract for Dr. Adnan Mjalli's company TransTech Pharma, ADC Honors Farah and Hanan Munayyer with Hala Salaam Maksoud Award, Dr. Asali in US Presidential Delegation to PIC |
Palestine's Great Hope
June 9, 2010 The emergence of Salam Fayyad is the best thing to happen to the Middle East in ages. |
Pres. Abbas: Peacemaking takes courage, leaders
June 9, 2010 This round of negotiations provides an 11th-hour opportunity to achieve a permanent and lasting peace based on the two-state solution. For the opportunity not to be lost, courage and bold leadership are required. |
In search of a leader
June 8, 2010 Barnea: Netanyahu excels at whining, but this won’t get Israel out of mess |