Why a young Israeli woman spies on Israeli settlements in West Bank
July 29, 2010 Hagit Ofran tracks Israeli settlement growth in the West Bank with a pocket-sized camera and a deep sense of mission, often making news well beyond Israel with her findings. |
Martin Indyk: I think the settlement issue will be resolved
July 28, 2010 Former U.S. ambassador to Israel says what happens privately in Mideast negotiations is what is important, not what is learned by the media. |
Negotiations must be about substance not form
July 28, 2010 The Palestinian side wants to ensure that negotiations reflect specific terms of reference based on the roadmap, which later became a UN Security Council resolution, other relevant international resolutions and previously signed agreements. |
The right's strategy of phases
July 27, 2010 In order to realize the goals of Zionism, we must relinquish 22 percent of the Land of Israel. |
Israel needs a Palestinian state
July 27, 2010 Israel’s national security and self-preservation as a democracy, if not its very existence, depend on its ability and willingness to come to terms with the reality of coexistence with the Palestinians on the basis of a two-state solution. |
Q&A with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak
July 27, 2010 "I can tell you there is a gradual drift toward understanding that it's urgent to reach a two-state solution among a wide silent majority in Israel. The fact that [the] right wing won the election doesn't mean that the people doesn't understand that." |
Top settler rabbi arrested for allegedly inciting to kill non-Jews
July 26, 2010 Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira is the alleged author of a book which deems as legal, according to 'Jewish law,' the killing of non-Jews. |
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, do you still have hope after the IDF killed your daughters and niece in Gaza?
July 26, 2010 "As a believing Muslim and a physician, my answer to the hatred and revenge is the success in overcoming them. I am compelled to believe that out of our suffering something good has to emerge." |
'Israel interfering in U.S. efforts in West Bank'
July 26, 2010 Report submitted to Congress accuses Israel of delaying transfer of military equipment, despite Washington's efforts to train PA forces in West Bank. |
Abbas warns Fatah to get organized or die
July 23, 2010 Abbas slams his party's cancellation of local elections, saying, 'If what happened is allowed to pass, I tell you that this movement must say goodbye.' |