May 21 2012 - 11:29am Israel blasts foreign proposal on settlement goods
May 21, 2012

South African government issued a notice saying it wants to require merchants "not to incorrectly label products that originate from the Occupied Palestinian Territory as products of Israel"

May 21 2012 - 11:27am Palestinians Sign Deal to Set Up Elections
May 21, 2012

Abbas: “Everybody in the government should recognize Israel, denounce terrorism. Hamas is the opposition. If I allow them to be in the government, it will not work."

May 18 2012 - 1:35pm Israel-Palestine Peace Process Will Return From the Dead
May 18, 2012

The negotiations are clearly lifeless; but by no means out of life. Rest assured they’ll be back.

May 18 2012 - 1:32pm Abbas amends election law by decree
May 18, 2012

President Mahmoud Abbas issued an executive order amending 2005 election law as precursor to holding municipal vote sooner than scheduled

May 18 2012 - 1:30pm Beware "Creative Alternatives"
May 18, 2012

There seems to be a real willingness on the pro-Israeli right to sacrifice Israel's “democracy” in order to retain the West Bank, and reduce its “Jewish character” to despotic minority rule

May 17 2012 - 11:48am Is Israel united in obstruction?
May 17, 2012

The international community will have to take careful note of how the new Israeli government handles the outposts issue

May 17 2012 Israel's Image Revisted
May 17, 2012

The notion that Israel's unfavorable image is a result of some evil cabal that plots daily against it infantilizes the Israelis

May 17 2012 - 11:45am Palestinian PM reshuffles Cabinet in West Bank
May 17, 2012

Salam Fayyad replaced almost half of his West Bank-based Cabinet on Wednesday, a clear sign that efforts to end the Palestinian political split are stuck

May 16 2012 - 3:28pm UCLA’s “one state or two” debate
May 16, 2012

“I wanted to exercise a radical dystopian imaginative leap of that kind, if I wanted to be a Hieronymus Bosch of Israel and the Palestinians, sure, I can arrive at your conclusion after all this horror."

May 16 2012 - 3:26pm Ailing Palestinian Hospital Awaits Cash Infusion
May 16, 2012

With PA subsidies being held back, Jerusalem’s Al-Makassed can’t pay staff

American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017