Love, bankruptcy and buffoonery in our region
September 10, 2012 Yes it is shameful that Abbas is declaring bankruptcy at a time when the symbols of destruction and division in our region are enjoying the funding and facilities of Tehran. |
A Dream Not Deferred
September 10, 2012 “The objective [of the settlers] was to prevent the establishment of an Arab country between Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. It is safe to say that the objective has been achieved.” |
PA: Civil servants to be paid half salaries by Wednesday
September 10, 2012 The PA ministry of finance will pay civil servants half of their monthly salary by Wednesday, minister of finance Nabil Qassis announced. |
More Than Disgrace, 'Price-Tag' Violence Is Israeli Security Threat
September 7, 2012 A nation that has suffered pogroms mustn’t accept pogroms carried out against innocents by the “price-tag” perpetrators. It isn’t too late to remove this mark of disgrace. |
The Triumph and Tragedy of Greater Israel
September 7, 2012 The question can no longer be whether the current impasse may lead to a one-state outcome; it has already done so. |
Residents: 7 Palestinians killed in Syrian army shelling
September 7, 2012 Forces loyal to President Bashar Assad bombed Safad and al-Jaouna areas and the al-Basel Hospital. |
Jerusalem omission's silly significance
September 6, 2012 What will determine the future of Jerusalem depends almost entirely on the Israelis and the Palestinians and perhaps, if there's ever a peace process, the Arab states. |
Hamas training diplomats, challenging PLO monopoly abroad
September 6, 2012 "The aim of such a step and training is to develop relations with world countries when time and conditions permit." |
Hamas training diplomats, challenging PLO monopoly abroad
September 6, 2012 "The aim of such a step and training is to develop relations with world countries when time and conditions permit." |
Everything is reversible
September 6, 2012 Peace Now chief Yariv Oppenheimer says motivation to end Israel-Arab conflict outweighs price of settler evacuation. |