Jul 8 2013 - 11:26am Palestinian Passports Rejected By Citizens; Say Document Not Much Help for Travel
July 8, 2013

Becoming a citizen of a country ordinarily comes with a passport. Last year, the United Nations recognized “Palestine” as a non-member state, but many of its citizens say it doesn’t make traveling easier.

Jul 8 2013 - 11:25am One-fifth of new Jerusalem park to be built on Palestinian land
July 8, 2013

The Refaim Valley Park will cover more than 1,425 acres, ‏at the southern exit of Jerusalem where the Green Line passes through.

Jul 8 2013 - 11:22am To: the Palestinian Arab Idol, From: a former Israeli Defence Forces soldier
July 8, 2013

Your voice is beautiful. It can reach Palestinian and Arab youth all over the world. It can even reach us. It can tell a new story, one that wouldn’t conclude with “There’s no partner for peace”. It’s a story that seeks living, even if not loving. I can write it, but you’ll have to sing it.

Jul 2 2013 - 12:49pm PBS NewHour Video: Are Latest Protests a Game-Changer for Egypt's Politics?
July 2, 2013

An outpouring of dissent by millions of Egyptians prompted a threat of intervention by the Supreme Military Council. Michele Dunne of the Atlantic Council and ATFP Senior Fellow Hussein Ibish, join Margaret Warner to discuss the protests and the military's ultimatum.

Jul 2 2013 - 12:45pm Assaf is Now My Idol: Sorry, Kanye West
July 2, 2013

Palestinian youth now have a positive role model, who is empowering them to show the world the beauty of their culture. Assaf , the new “goodwill ambassador” of UNRWA, can lead his millions of Arab fans to a path of tolerance, coexistence and peace.

Jul 2 2013 - 12:43pm Chaos in Middle East Grows as the U.S. Focuses on Israel
July 2, 2013

“Abbas would say that to reach a deal, you need Arab support from Saudi Arabia and Egypt,” said Ghaith al-Omari, the executive director of the American Task Force on Palestine. “With all the chaos, you might not get that.

Jun 28 2013 - 1:55pm Between Fadel Shaker and Mohammed Assaf
June 28, 2013

As Shaker remains on the run, hiding underground or spewing hatred and divisions, Assaf has a life of hope and a “land as big as his dream” in the words of Mahmoud Darweesh, ahead of him. A life that gave people hope in Cairo, as another rendered them with more despair in Sidon.

Jun 28 2013 - 1:49pm Israeli leader signals readiness to compromise
June 28, 2013

Netanyahu, known for his rigid negotiating positions, has been sending signals that he is ready for significant compromises in a peace deal with the Palestinians and that he accepts the narrative increasingly favored by his opponents that says ending the West Bank occupation is essential.

Jun 28 2013 - 1:48pm ATFP Translates - A Sectarian Cancer is Consuming the Arab World
June 28, 2013

A sectarian cancer is metastasizing throughout the ailing Arab body politic. In recent days, we have witnessed its latest terrifying symptoms: explosions, massacres, clashes, and lynchings between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

Jun 27 2013 - 2:37pm On eve of Mideast visit, Kerry sets new target date for Israeli-Palestinian progress
June 27, 2013

John Kerry, who is due to arrive Thursday for fifth Mideast visit as U.S. secretary of state, says sides 'must show some kind of progress' before UN General Assembly convenes in September.

American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017