Ma'an News Agency
January 8, 2013 - 1:00am

After the Israeli government gave official sanction to three settler outposts last year, a fourth illegal community has been included in the boundaries, an Israeli peace group said Tuesday.

All Jewish settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law. However, Israel distinguishes between settlements it has approved and the outposts which were never granted official authorization.

In April 2012 the Israeli government retroactively authorized three outposts -- Rehelim, Sansana and Bruchin.

Settlement watchdog Peace Now said the Israeli army issued a military order officially establishing the boundaries of Rehelim a few days ago, and it includes a further outpost, Nofei Nehemia, not included in the original list.

"This authorization marks the government’s 10th authorization of illegal outposts, being the only government to ever authorize outposts," the group said.

Set up by settlers in 2002, Nofei Nehemia had 32 mobile homes until another 12 permanent homes were built in the outpost in the past year, Peace Now said.


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