Tovah Lazaroff
The Jerusalem Post
April 10, 2012 - 12:00am

Popular resistance against Israel reflects the rights of Palestinians, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad asserted Tuesday.

Speaking at the Bil'in 7th International Conference for Popular Struggle, Fayyad said, "Popular resistance is one of the best forms of resistance and reflects the rights of Palestinians." The PA prime minister also charged that settlements violate international law and go against the peace process.

Bil'in has seen weekly protests against the West Bank barrier, which cuts through village lands, for the last seven years. In 2007, the High Court of Justice ordered the Defense Ministry to modify the path of part of the barrier near the village.

Also speaking at the first day of the conference that took place in a tent in an olive grove meters from the West Bank barrier Bil'in was PLO Executive Committee member Wasel Abu Yousef.

Yousef told participants that the split between Fatah and Hamas is harming the Palestinian national cause. He added that without a full settlement freeze, it is impossible to negotiate with Israel.

The three-day conference will continue on Wednesday and Thursday in Hebron and east Jerusalem.


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