Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
January 24, 2012 - 1:00am

JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Israeli embassies and consulates have raised their alert level after several in missions in the United States and Europe received envelopes with white powder in them.

The missions received white envelopes with the word "anthrax" written on them, according to reports; the powder inside was found to be flour.

Among the embassies and consulates that received the envelopes Monday were The Hague, Brussels and London in Europe, and New York, Boston, and Houston in the United States.

Hazardous materials crews arrived Monday at the Boston consulate and ordered it closed for the rest of the day. The powder was tested on site and found to be harmless, the Boston Globe reported. The powder was to be further tested and then disposed of, the newspaper reported.


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