Nasouh Nazzal
Gulf News
January 3, 2012 - 1:00am

Ramallah: Israeli authorities announced the construction of 230 new colonist homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

117 homes will be built in Gabal Abu Ghunaim area close to Al Aqsa compound and the second tender of 113 homes will be built in two colonies of Gosh Etzion south of Occupied East Jerusalem.

The building of more illegal Jewish homes are expected to be announced in the coming weeks which will be expanding the colonies of Gifat Hazat and Har Adar.

Meanwhile, Palestinian residents of Wadi Al Joz industrial area in Occupied East Jerusalem found notices on their shops informing them that their land would be confiscated.

The area has more than 170 shops and employs over 700 Palestinians. Most of the land is owned by the family of Al Khatib who have clear official documentation for their property.


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