Ma'an News Agency
May 4, 2011 - 12:00am

Gaza's Ministry of the Interior announced the death Wednesday of a man convicted of collaboration, identified only as A.S., and said to have been found guilty of spying.

It is the sixth execution that has been carried out by the Gaza government, in contradiction to a Palestinian law that necessitates the approval of the president before death sentences are carried out.

The ministry said in a statement that the death sentence was carried out after all means of appeal had been completed, and after obtaining the approval of the Gaza government.

A.S. was sentenced to death by firing squad on April 19. The court determined that his acts of collaboration had aided in the assassination of Palestinians.

No further details were released about the case.

The execution came as the Gaza government prepares to be dismantled, as a unity agreement with the West Bank's Palestinian Authority is signed into action in Cairo.

Fatah leader and PLC member Faisal Abu Shalha commented on the execution from Cairo, where he is participating in the Fatah delegation signing the unity agreemnt.

"The decision was wrong and hasty, it violated the law and should not have been carried out," he said.


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