Ari Shavit
Haaretz (Opinion)
March 17, 2011 - 12:00am

On quite a few occasions this week, my mobile phone vibrated with text messages from the settlers' lobby, Yesha. Once it was a quote from Minister Gideon Sa'ar (we must resume construction in Judea and Samaria ). Another time it was a quote from Minister Gilad Erdan (stop holding up the construction tenders in Judea and Samaria ). The third time it was a quote from MK Zeev Elkin (it's time to build cities in Judea and Samaria ). The fourth time it was a quote from MK Yariv Levin (I demand the cabinet and Minister Barak approve construction in Judea and Samaria cities at once! ). The fifth time it was a quote from Minister Moshe Ya'alon (out of the mourning we must build and develop the settlements in Judea and Samaria ).

At first I thought all these texts were a Purim prank. After all, it's inconceivable that intelligent people like Sa'ar, Erdan and Ya'alon still don't understand what a disaster the settlements have brought upon us. It's unthinkable that the sensible manager of the settlers' council still doesn't understand what a disaster additional construction in the settlements will bring upon us. It's not possible that the settlers are still such space cadets.

But after six-seven texts, I realized it was no prank and no Purim. Those detached souls are really out of it. These delusionals are totally delusionary. The right has learned nothing and forgotten nothing, and continues to live in a parallel universe. There is no way out, then. A counter text must be sent to these guys from the right wing. Here is the text:

The settlers are like the nuclear power station in Fukushima - a grandly built project of huge proportions, which was set up in the wrong place on the basis of false assumptions. The builders of the Japanese power station didn't take into account that one day the earth would quake and register a 9.0 magnitude on the Richter scale. Nor did the settlement builders. The Japanese power station builders didn't take into account that one day the tsunami would strike it. Nor did the settlements' builders. But both there and here the earth shook. The tsunami struck. The Fukushima power station turned into a nightmare; so did the settlements project.

The truth must be told: It was not the settlements that caused the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and stopping them will not end the conflict. But the settlements are escalating the conflict, and continuing construction in the settlements will cause Israel to lose it. So the settlements must be stopped not only for peace, but for national security. To ensure Israel's future and to save Zionism.

The moral issue can be debated. The left will say the settlements are expressly immoral, and the right will say the settlements are supremely moral. But the realpolitik issue cannot be disputed. The settlers have won the campaign on the hills but lost the campaign in the world. For that reason, the settlements today are beyond the legitimate international fence. And they are putting Israel beyond the legitimate international fence.

The radioactive cloud of illegitimacy rising from the settlements is moving toward Israel and endangering its existence.

When the Fukushima power station was build in the '70s, it was possible to hope that it would endure any earthquake and any surging wave. When the settlements were built in the '70s and '80s, it was possible to hope they would endure any political storm. Today it is clear that both hopes have been shattered. The Japanese power company's basic assumptions and those of Gush Emunim (a messianic movement advocating Israeli sovereignty in the territories ) were found to be groundless. They led to building tremendous energy generators on the most dangerous fraction line possible.

It is inconceivable that after what has happened, the Japanese would set up a seventh and eighth reactor on the beach. It is inconceivable that after what has been discovered, the Israelis would set up more settlements on the mountain. The future is staring at us in the face - a massive project built 40 years ago is threatening the state that built it.

The radiation emanating from it is lethal. Enough with the texts, guys. Enough with floating out there in space. It's time to cool down the settlements, extinguish them and look for alternative energy sources. It's time to go back home.


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