November 4, 2010 - 12:00am

Islamic Hamas movement accused Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday of trying to hinder national reconciliation.

The accusation followed Abbas' remarks that security control in the Palestinian territories can not be shared with Hamas.

Abbas statements "meant to ruin Damascus meeting" next week, in which Hamas and Abbas' Fatah party will discuss inter- reconciliation, especially the security issue, Hamas Spokesman Ayman Taha told Xinhua.

In an interview with a Kuwaiti newspaper, Abbas said that all controversial issues between Hamas and Fatah, including elections, parliament and government arrangements "are subject to division, except security."

Hamas and Fatah, the two major rivals in Palestinian leadership reached a paper of "understandings" in a meeting held in Damascus on Sept. 24. The meeting has resolved disputes between the feuds on three main issues, including the restructure of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). However, the thorny security issue was delayed to a later meeting.

Hamas wants the Palestinian security services to be reformed into national and professional military, Taha said.

The talks between Fatah and Hamas was suspended last year after the Islamic movement voiced its reservations on an Egyptian plan for reconciliation. Hamas routed pro-Abbas forces and seized control of Gaza in 2007, one year after it won the parliamentary elections.


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