Benjamin L. Hartman
The Jerusalem Post
July 13, 2010 - 12:00am

The Jerusalem building and planning committee on Monday approved plans for 32 new housing units in the northeast Jerusalem neighborhood of Pisgat Ze’ev.

Kobi Kahalon, chairman of the building and planning committee, had postponed a hearing on the building plan set for last week, so that it would not coincide with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House.

Yosef “Pepe” Alalo, head of the Meretz faction on the Jerusalem City Council, said on Monday that the delay showed the municipality understands the delicate nature of the issue of construction in east Jerusalem, even if it disregards the concerns.

“The fact that they put it off for a week while Bibi was in Washington shows that they know it’s a sensitive issue. Everyone knows it’s a sensitive issue, and if we all know it is so sensitive, than what difference will it make waiting a week?” the councilman asked.

Alalo added that he has “no idea why [Jerusalem Mayor] Nir Barkat does what he does.”


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