May 13, 2010 - 12:00am

A senior Palestinian official on Wednesday accused Israel for putting new obstacles before the Middle East peace process, saying that Israel is not serious in resuming peace talks.

Nabil Abu Rdeina, spokesman of the Palestinian president, slammed the earlier statement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he said that Israel will go on with settlement activities in East Jerusalem.

"These statements don't contribute to creating the proper atmosphere to succeed the proximity talks between the two sides. On the contrary, it would lead to more freeze in the process," said Abu Rdeina.

On Tuesday, Netanyahu said that Israel will continue building and developing the city as the Palestinians want its eastern part as a future capital.

Netanyahu also said that "no other nation has the same ties" to Jerusalem as Israel does. Though comprising Jewish and Christian temples, the walled eastern compound of the city also contains Al- Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest shrine for Muslims.

Abu Rdeina called on Israel to be committed to what had been agreed upon with the American side, adding "such statements and such actions should be stopped to prepare for the atmosphere to let the proximity talks go on."

Palestine Liberation Organizations (PLO) executive committee chaired by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had early this week okayed the proximity talks with Israel.


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