Gulf News
May 28, 2009 - 12:00am

It is important that the international community comes to realise the dangers posed by the current Israeli policy towards Palestinians which precludes any prospect of peace. The direction adopted by the Israeli government is actually a disaster in the making that will affect the entire region.

Since its inception, the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has endorsed a policy of alienation and hostility towards the Palestinians. Netanyahu has neither shown any commitment towards a just and lasting peace nor has his government accepted the calls by major powers to engage in processes that would help bring about peace. Instead, almost all of his actions are aimed at establishing a future that takes into account only the interests of Israel with absolute disregard for the environment within which it exists.

The ongoing building of colonies and the retraction on any previous Israeli commitment to a two-state solution is a case in point. And instead of discussing the measurable steps towards reaching this aim, Israel has proposed fragmented options to the current conflict - one that is based on seeing the Palestinians as enemies and not partners.

Undoubtedly, this approach is dangerous as it encourages violence, breeds more hatred, and brings about instability. Hence, the recent call by the US for Israel to stop building all colonies regardless of their type and location comes as a welcome stance.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that there would be no exception with regard to President Barack Obama's demand that all colony activities are stopped by Israel with immediate effect. "Not some [colonies], not outposts, not natural growth exceptions. We think it is in the best interests of the effort that we are engaged in that [colony] expansion cease," said Clinton.

Now it is high time that the US and other powers push concertedly for peace.


American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017