Bbc News
August 7, 2008 - 4:48pm

An Israeli commander and sergeant face trial for "unworthy conduct" over the shooting of a bound Palestinian prisoner, Israeli officials say.

Col Omri Borberg was filmed holding the prisoner as a soldier under his command fired a rubber bullet at his feet.

Israel's military advocate general says the incident in the West Bank in July represents a "severe moral failure".

Israeli human rights group B'Tselem had said the military would be shamed if it failed to punish anyone.

According to an army statement released on Wednesday, Col Borberg had resigned his post as battalion commander but remained free to serve elsewhere in the military.

On Thursday, the Israeli media reported that the soldiers would be accused of "inappropriate conduct" over the incident rather than face criminal prosecution.

B'Tselem criticised the military, saying: "An army that treats the shooting of a bound detainee, from zero range as 'inappropriate conduct' is disgracing the values it claims to hold."

The group had helped publicise the incident, which was filmed by a Palestinian civilian in the West Bank village of Nilin.

Nilin has been the scene of frequently violent protests against Israel's plans to pass its West Bank barrier through the village, cutting Palestinian residents off from the land they own.

Grave and wrong

The prisoner in the film was identified as Ashraf Abu Rahma, a demonstrator accused of throwing stones at Israeli forces.

He appears in the video bound and blindfolded with a group of Israeli soldiers. One of the soldiers is seen taking aim at his feet with a rifle. Mr Abu Rahma is next seen on the ground, writhing in pain.

He was treated on the scene for injuries to his foot.

Israeli media earlier reported that Col Borberg failed a lie-detector test about his claim not to have ordered the soldier to shoot.

According to an Israeli army investigation, Col Borberg said he told the soldier only to motion with his rifle to frighten Mr Abu Rahma.

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak had described the incident as "grave and wrong", while the army said it contradicted its values.


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