Kuwait News Agency (kuna)
May 30, 2008 - 5:14pm

An Israeli offensive was surged on the city of Nablus, West Bank, searching homes for people wanted by the Israeli authorities.
Security sources in the city said that further forces poured into the city, in protection of Jewish settlers who intended to perform prayers in Joseph's Tomb, East of Nablus.
Sources added that Israeli forces and Jewish settlers withdrew from the area without making any arrests of Palestinians or causing any violence.
Joseph's Tomb, which is considered by Jews to be the burial place of the prophet Joseph, is located in an area within the West Bank, but had been kept by Israel due to the Oslo Accords in 1993.
From time to time, Israeli settlers visit the shrine, protected by a barrage of military forces.
Israeli radio said that forces from the country also attacked Ramallah, Tulkarim and Qalqilya, arresting four Palestinians.
In another attack on Khan Younis, a Palestinian woman was reported dead by authorities.
Yusra Qadeeh, aged 60, died due to severe wounds after being shot in the chest by Israeli forces while in her house.
Eyewitnesses said that Israeli bulldozers destroyed large agricultural land in the area as well.


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