Angus Reid Global Monitor
February 11, 2008 - 9:39pm

The vast majority of Palestinians continue to think negatively of Hamas’ forceful takeover of the Gaza Strip last year, according to a poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. 72 per cent of respondents oppose the group’s actions, down two points since December.

Fatah candidate Mahmoud Abbas won the January 2005 presidential ballot in the Palestinian Territories with 62.32 per cent of all cast ballots. In January 2006, Hamas won the Palestinian Legislative Council election, securing 74 of the 112 seats at stake. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh officially took over as prime minister in March. The Israeli government believes Hamas is directly responsible for the deaths of 377 citizens in a variety of attacks, which include dozens of suicide bombings.

In February 2007, Hamas and Fatah leaders reached an accord which set the guidelines for a power-sharing Palestinian administration, headed by Hamas, which would "respect" past peace agreements with Israel. In June, amid a wave of violent clashes between Palestinian supporters of the Hamas and Fatah factions, Hamas militants seized control of Gaza. Abbas issued a decree to form a 12-member emergency government—based in the West Bank—and expelled Hamas from the administration. Fatah member Salam Fayyad was appointed as prime minister by Abbas.

The Islamic Jihad organization has been launching Qassam rockets into Israel from Gaza almost daily since Hamas took control of the territory. Israel holds Hamas responsible for the attacks for allowing the Islamic Jihad and other groups to act against Israel. In January, Israel completely sealed off its borders with the Gaza Strip.

Earlier this month, Abbas said he would be willing to broker a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. On Feb. 7, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum rejected the president’s offer, calling it a "blackmail attempt against the Palestinian people whom (Abbas) has left to be massacred."

Polling Data

Do you support or oppose Hamas’ military takeover in Gaza?


Jan. 2008

Dec. 2007

Sept. 2007









Not sure




Source: Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research
Methodology: Face-to-face interviews to 3,430 Palestinian adults in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, conducted from Jan. 23 to Feb. 3, 2008. Margin of error is 2 per cent.


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