Ali Mosa Zaghab, Ph.D., is the founder and owner of Atlantic Coast Realty, a brokerage firm and engineering company in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. corridor. He also hosts a weekly show on cable T.V. entitled, ?Building Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians?. Dr. Zaghab is a recognized public speaker on Israeli-Palestinian issues and on religious cooperation in a two-state solution to the conflict. He is a regular guest on local T.V. and radio programs, and has been recognized by the Baltimore Jewish Council and Christian groups for his advocacy of the Palestinian cause within the context of finding common ground between Israelis and Palestinians.
Dr. Zaghab was born in Jammain, Palestine in 1947. He graduated from Kuwait University in English in 1970. In 1974, he received his Masters of Art (English) from State University of New York at New Paltz. In 1980, he received his Ph.D. in Shakespearean Literature from the University of Maryland College Park where he also taught in the English Department.
Dr. Zaghab returned to the Occupied Palestinian Territories in 1980 with faculty appointments at Al-Najah University and Bir Zeit University in the West Bank until 1983. In 1983, Dr. Zaghab was an invited lecturer at a number of notable universities in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Algeria, and Kuwait. He returned to the United States where he served as Special Consultant of Cultural & Linguistic Affairs of the U.S. State Department for the next four years.
Over the years, Dr. Zaghab has served in many leadership roles with the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee and within the peace community.