November 18th, 2011

Palestinian insistence is key
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Jordan Times
by Ahmad Majdoubeh - (Opinion) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

Israel can be expected to be hostile to the Palestinian UN bid for statehood. The present Israeli government is not only not serious about peace, deliberately seeks to subvert all peace efforts and abort any attempts at arriving at Palestinian statehood, be it through negotiations or through the UN Security Council.

Right of return, but not in my backyard
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Jerusalem Post
by Marcus Sheff - (Opinion) November 17, 2011 - 1:00am

On a recent afternoon in Nablus, during the Id al-Adha Muslim holiday, a group of Palestinian men sat down to a conversation in an office suite. As traffic honked and rattled in the streets of this bustling West Bank city, the discussion ranged from the relative popularity of Fatah and Hamas to the man most likely to succeed Mahmoud Abbas as Palestinian president.

Left’s revenge will come
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews
by Yair Lapid - (Opinion) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

Imagine that we are in the year 2013, and the Left is in power. The first thing it will do is pass the “Law for protecting IDF officers and soldiers,” whereby the army would immediately evacuate any community whose residents abuse IDF soldiers. When the Right would furiously claim that the law’s only purpose is to prompt settlement evacuation in Judea and Samaria, Leftist Knesset members will show puzzlement while playing dumb, saying that this is not a leftist law – after all, leftists who reside in settlements will also be evacuated should they dare abuse IDF troops.

Left’s revenge will come
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews
by Yair Lapid - (Opinion) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

Imagine that we are in the year 2013, and the Left is in power. The first thing it will do is pass the “Law for protecting IDF officers and soldiers,” whereby the army would immediately evacuate any community whose residents abuse IDF soldiers. When the Right would furiously claim that the law’s only purpose is to prompt settlement evacuation in Judea and Samaria, Leftist Knesset members will show puzzlement while playing dumb, saying that this is not a leftist law – after all, leftists who reside in settlements will also be evacuated should they dare abuse IDF troops.

Jerusalem & Babylon / Ultra-Orthodox need not protest Israel, they run it
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Haaretz
by Anshel Pfeffer - (Opinion) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

Someone just woke up and discovered that women have been banished from advertising billboards throughout Jerusalem. Good morning! The Modesty Police has been ruling the streets for years and none of you have done anything about it. I am normally very skeptical of conspiracy theories, because that is what they are, theories, and because I have actually met some of the conspiracists. But even I sometimes wonder if a group of rabbis did not get together at some point at the end of the 1990s and hatch a plan to take over the state of Israel by legal and democratic means.

Rabin knew road to peace passed through the bank
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Haaretz
by Nehemia Shtrasler - (Analysis) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

Last Saturday night, I went to the square. I do so every year, as part of my civic duty to salute the prime minister who was assassinated on the altar of peace. Everyone should devote at least one day a year to the frustrating thought that if the Shin Bet security service had done its job and arrested the murderer, we would today be living in a completely different reality - a much better one.

Attacks Target Palestinians In Israeli Towns
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from National Public Radio (NPR)
by Sheera Frenkel - (Analysis) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

In Israel, tensions are rising between Jews and Palestinian Arabs, who make up about 20 percent of the population. Over the past few months, several Arab sites have been vandalized by militant Jews who left graffiti such as "Death to Arabs." Locals blame activists from Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. At a recent demonstration on a street corner in the central Israeli town of Jaffa, protesters chant in both Hebrew and Arabic. The crowd is made up of Jews and Palestinians angry over the attacks, which have rocked their community.

Palestinians' talks over unity government likely to succeed
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Xinhua
by Adam Gonn - (Analysis) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

An agreement between Fatah and Hamas, Palestinians' rival parties, looks likely on the formation of a unity government with Fatah's flexibility on the future role of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in the ruling body. Hamas, which established its own government in Gaza after routing out forces loyal to Fatah in 2007, has been opposed to Fayyad's playing any part in the unity government.

Fatah-Hamas meeting to focus on unified Palestinian vision
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Asharq Alawsat
by Salah Jumaa - (Analysis) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

Nimr Hammad, the Palestinian president's political adviser, has asserted that President Mahmud Abbas will focus at next week’s meeting with Hamas chief Khalid Mishal on the need to have a unified political program for the next government for the sake of communicating effectively with the world and so as to have a unified Palestinian vision for dealing with the world and with political issues. Hammad believes that the division and different political stands between Hamas and Fatah and the absence of a unified vision toward the strategic issues serve Israel.

Christian community divided by Israeli separation barrier
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The National
by Hugh Naylor - (Analysis) November 18, 2011 - 1:00am

Even though its concrete pillars and barbed wire have yet to be pieced together through these terraced olive orchards, Israel's separation barrier has already divided this small Christian community. Israeli authorities are expected to build a segment of its 760-kilometre fence through Cremisan, an area of verdant hills wedged between occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

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