Israel Guards Against Increased Terror Peril From a Laxly Patrolled Sinai
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The New York Times
by Isabel Kershner, David Kirkpatrick - March 2, 2012 - 1:00am

NEGEV DESERT, Israel — For decades, the striking ridges and shady passes of the western Negev Desert along Israel’s border with Egypt were an alluring gateway to the pristine beaches of the Sinai Peninsula. Today, though, from the Israeli side at least, the jagged landscape of red-brown mountains seems to cast longer shadows and has grown more menacing.

Anger and Compassion for Arab Justice Who Stays Silent During Zionist Hymn
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The New York Times
by Ethan Bronner - March 4, 2012 - 1:00am

JERUSALEM — It was supposed to be a passing of the torch, yet another solemn state ceremony at the president’s residence in Jerusalem. But the retirement last week of Israel’s chief justice and the swearing in of her successor turned into a kind of Rorschach inkblot test about the nature of Israeli democracy.

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