July 16th, 2014


Israel finds the bodies of three murdered Israeli teenagers. (AP/New

York Times/Washington Post/Ma’an/Ha’aretz/The National)

Israel launches airstrikes on Gaza, injuring four Palestinians.(Reuters/Ma’an/JTA/Ynet)

Israel vows to punish Hamas after the three kidnapped Israeli teenagers are found dead. (AFP/Ha’aretz)

Israeli occupation forces kill a Palestinian teenager for allegedly being a “Hamas operative.” (AP/Ma’an/PNN)

Hamas warns any Israeli attack will open the “gates of hell.” (AFP/Times of Israel)

Pres. Abbas asks world leaders to help restrain Israel. (Times of Israel)

Members of Congress call on Abbas to dissolve the new Palestinian
. (Times of Israel)

Pres. Obama condemns the murder of the three Israeli teenagers. (Ha’aretz/Ynet)

DM Ya’alon proposes a new settlement in memory of the murdered teenagers. (Ha’aretz)

Israel approves the construction of 60 new settlement units in the
occupied West Bank. (PNN/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

B’Tselem calls on Israel to refrain from acts of vengeance. (Ma’an)

The European Jewish Congress calls on the EU to cut ties with the PA.
(Jerusalem Post)

Iraq’s new parliament convenes to name a unity government.
(Reuters/AP/New York Times/The National)

The acting speaker of Iraq's newly elected parliament Mehdi al-Hafidh
tells lawmakers the stability and security need to be restored.


Iranian Deputy FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says Iran could provide
arms to Iraq.

The US is sending another 300 troops to Iraq. (AP/The National)

ISIS attack a Shi’ite shrine in Samarra, killing six. (New York Times)

Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi is being considered as a potential
Iraqi leader. 
(New York Times)

The UN says more than 2400 Iraqis have been killed in the month of
. (Reuters)

ISIS captures a Syrian town Boukamal near the Iraqi border. (AP)

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia appoints Prince Khaled bin Bandar as
head of intelligence
. (Reuters/The National)

PM Erdogan says he is running for president. (AP)


Ha’aretz says Israel’s Gaza offensives show that military operations
have limited impact. (Ha’aretz)

Ron Ben-Yishai says Israel must crush Hamas, but it must do it wisely. (Ynet)

Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas leaders in Gaza are trying to avoid an
Israeli attack. (Al-Monitor)

Sharif Nashashibi says Israel used the abduction of the three Israeli
teenagers to “cripple” the new Palestinian government. (The National)

Akiva Eldar says Israel’s ties to the EU are still complicated by
settlement policies. (Al-Monitor)

The National says ISIS’s declaration of an “Islamic caliphate” needs
an unprecedented response. (The National)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Sunni Iraqis are divided between reason
and fanaticism. (Al Arabiya)

Leslie Gelb says the only viable political future for Iraq is a
federation. (New York Times)

Hassan Barari asks if Iraq is doomed. (Jordan Times)

Jamal Khashoggi asks if ISIS will grow. (Al Arabiya)

Aaron Zelin says ISIS’s announcement of an “Islamic caliphate” will
accelerate the backlash against it in Iraq. (Foreign Policy)

David Rothkopf says if ISIS attacks Jordan, neither the US nor Israel
will be able to stay out. (Foreign Policy)

Diana Moukalled looks at the lure of a jihadist culture that drives
youth to leave their previous lives. (Asharq al-Awsat)

The Jordan Times says Syrian refugees in Jordan must respect Jordanian
law. (Jordan Times)

John Kerry says an Iranian nuclear deal is still possible, but time is
running out. (Washington Post)


Palestinian teenager is killed by Israelis in a possible revenge attack. (Reuters/New York Times/AFP/Ha’aretz)

Palestinians clash with Israeli occupation forces in Jerusalem after body of Palestinian teenager isfound. (AP/Washington Post/Ma’an/JTA/Ynet/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel/The National)

Pres. Abbas demands PM Netanyahu to condemn the killing of a Palestinian teenager. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz/Ynet)

Netanyahu condemns the “despicable murder” of a Palestinian teenager. (AFP/Jerusalem Post)

Israel demolishes the home of a Palestinian man charged with killing an Israeli police officer. (Reuters/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)

Israeli occupation forces detain 40 Palestinians in overnight raids across the West Bank. (Ma’an)

Israelis unite over the murder of the three teengaers. (New York Times)

The UNSC condemns the murder of the three Israeli teenagers. (JTA)

The US says it has “strong evidence” that Hamas is culpable in the murder of the three Israeli teenagers. (Jerusalem Post)

An Israeli facebook campaign calls for vengeance against Arabs. (Times of Israel)

Hamas says it is not interested in a confrontation with Israel. (Ma’an/The Media Line)

Jewish “price tag” extremists torch a Palestinian farm in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

A Pew poll indicates support for Hamas and Hezbollah is collapsing in the region. (Times of Israel)  

PM Maliki says ISIS’s declaration of an Islamic state poses a threat to the entire region. (AP)

Gen. Dempsey says the US is assessing whether Iraqi forces can hold together. (AP)

Iraqi Amb. to the US Faily says Iraq cannot wait for American aid. (AP)

Iraqi soldiers blame officers for withdrawing. (New York Times)

Maliki says he hopes to overcome the challenges blocking the formation of a new Iraqi government. (Reuters)

Saudi Arabia donates $500 million to help displaced Iraqis. (New York Times)

A young Chechen in Syria has become one of the most prominent commanders in ISIS in Syria. (AP)

Syrian chemical weapons are moved onto a US ship for destruction. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

Amnesty International criticizes Lebanon for denying access to Palestinians fleeing the conflict in Syria. (The National)

King Abdullah of Jordan and Pres. Sisi discuss ways to develop the relations between Jordan and Egypt over the phone. (Jordan Times)


The National condemns the murder of the three Israeli teenagers. (The National)

The Jordan Times says absence of peace between Israelis and Palestinians breeds hatred and violence. (Jordan Times)

The Los Angeles Times says Israelis and Palestinians must find reasons to negotiate rather than seeking excuses to walk away. (Los Angeles Times)

Aaron David Miller asks if the murder of the three Israeli teenagers will bring “armageddon” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Foreign Policy)

The CSM says for Israelis and Palestinians to avoid revenge attacks, they need to agree on ways to accommodate each side’s demand for justice. (Christian Science Monitor)

Shaul Arieli says the Israeli-Palestinian “show” always ends the same way. (Ha’aretz)

Gabriel Sassoon says Israel must rethink its “punishment policy.” (Times of Israel)

Ha’aretz says Israel must bolster Abbas, not weaken him. (Ha’aretz)

Hassan Hassan says ISIS’s rapid rise illustrates how far jihadism has evolved. (The National)

Khaled Diab says the problem with ISIS “caliphate” is that it is ahistorical. (New York Times)

Azeem Ibrahim asks how real is ISIS’s statehood bid in the Middle East. (Al Arabiya)

Philip Dermer says Iraqi Sunni’s who battled Al-Qaeda have been abandoned by the Americans. (Wall Street Journal)

Osama Al Sharif looks at the winners and the losers in the Middle East. (Jordan Times)

Rami Khouri says the principle of survival defines the Middle East. (Daily Star)

Ali Ibrahim looks at the June 30 protests in Egypt. (Asharq al-Awsat)

David Andrew Weinberg says Qatar may be retreating. (Al Arabiya)


Sec. Kerry and the White House condemn the “heinous murder” of a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank. (AP/Washington Post/AFP/Ynet)

The Palestinians accuse Israeli extremists of killing the teenager. (AP/Times of Israel)

The UNSC condemns the murder of the teenager. (Times of Israel)

The family of the murdered teenager criticizes Israeli police for their inaction. (Ma’an/TImes of Israel)

The EU is “extremely concerned” about the potential for more violence in Israel and Palestine. (AFP)

Israel begins massing troops near Gaza. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post/Ha’aretz)

Israel bombs Gaza, injuring 11 Palestinians, after militants launch rocket attacks. (Washington Post)

Former US Special Envoy Indyk says trust between Israeli and Palestinian leaders has completely dissolved. (Foreign Policy)

Israeli Chief Negotiator Livni condemns incitement on Facebook. (New York Times)

Israeli occupation forces detain 13 Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an)

Islamic Jihad says settlers are a “legitimate target.” (Ma’an)

1000 Israelis rally against anti-Arab racism and violence in Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Algeria’s world cup team will donate their team salary of about $9 million to the people of Gaza. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

PM Maliki says solving political difference is not as important as fighting ISIS. (New York Times)

Saudi Arabia reportedly deploys 30,000 soldiers on its border with Iraq. (Reuters/The National)

The Al-Nusra Front withdraws from two towns in eastern Syria. (Reuters)

ISIS takes more towns in Syria. (AP)

Officials in the Obama administration are reportedly debating the future of Pres. Assad. (Daily Beast)

The UN warns the refugee crisis from Syria's civil war could pose a serious threat to Lebanon's security and destabilize the entire region . (AP)

A suspected Islamist militant dies while handling a bomb near Cairo. (AP)

Quartet Envoy Blair denies agreeing to advise Pres. Sisi on economic reforms. (Ha’aretz)


Noam Chomsky says the BDS movement can backfire on Palestinians and their allies. (The Nation)

Roger Cohen says in the absence of peace revenge will win out over law.  (New York Times)

Ali Jarbawi asks how peace can be achieved if Israel opposes both the two-state solution and a one-state outcome. (New York Times)

Ari Shavit says PM Netanyahu and Pres. Abbas acted as a mature and responsible team to contain the explosive situation. (Ha’aretz)

Ha’aretz says Israel must investigate the death of the Palestinian teenager “swiftly, efficiently and transparently.” (Ha’aretz)

Lazar Berman says Israel must embrace the family of the murdered Palestinian teenager. (Times of Israel)

Geoffrey Aronson asks if the PA can survive Israel’s attack on Hamas. (Al-Monitor)

Gershon Baskin says Israel needs to help the people of Gaza replace Hamas by providing them with hope and a better future. (Jerusalem Post)

Michael Young asks if this is the start of regional collapse in the Middle East. (The National)

The Jordan Times says Iraqis must choose a new prime minister to replace Maliki. (Jordan Times)

Joyce Karam says ISIS’s leader al-Baghdadi is no Osama bin Laden. (Al Arabiya)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says not all Islamic extremists are “enthusiastic” about ISIS. (Al Arabiya)

Eyad Abu Shakra looks at the political implications of ISIS’s “caliphate.” (Asharq al-Awsat)

Ephraim Sneh says ISIS should be catalyst for a new Middle East alliance. (Al-Monitor)

Dennis Ross says ISIS poses a threat beyond Iraq. (USA Today)

Dov Zakheim says the Obama administration should immediately announce that it will not tolerate any threat to Jordan. (Foreign Policy)

Amr Mahmoud el-Shobaki outlines three challenges for Sisi. (Al Arabiya)

Abdelkader Cheref says opposition groups in Algeria are calling for a “wholesale change.” (The National)


An Israeli judge places Palestinian-American teenager Tariq Khdeir under house arrest. (AP/Reuters/Washington Post/New York Times/Times of Israel)

The US is “profoundly concerned” over reports that Khdeir was "severely beaten" while in  Israeli custody. (AFP/The National)

An Israeli official says three suspects have confessed. (AP)

An autopsy indicates that a murdered Palestinian teenager was burnt to death. (AP/New York Times/The National)

PM Netanyahu phones the father of the murdered Palestinian teenager. (Reuters/JTA/Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

A Jewish group organizes a visit with the family of the murdered Palestinian teenager. (Times of Israel)

20 rockets hit southern Israel. (Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

Israel kills seven Hamas militants. (AP/Reuters/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)

Hamas vows to avenge militant deaths. (New York Times/Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Abbas calls on UNSG Ban to form an international committee to investigate Israeli crimes committed against Palestinians. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)

12 more EU countries warn against trade with Israeli settlements. (PNN)

Extremist Jewish settlers attack Palestinian villagers in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

FM Lieberman ends his political alliance with PM Netanyahu. (AP/Ha’aretz/JTA/Jerusalem Post)

A survey indicates most Israelis still support the two-state solution. (Ha’aretz)

Former Sec. Baker says the Israeli-Palestinian situation is a “Catch-22,” but that's no reason to give up. (Ha’aretz)

Syrian troops advance inside and near northern Aleppo. (AP) 

The Syrian opposition meets in Turkey to elect a new President. (AP)

Hezbollah boosts its numbers in Syria after the expansion of the “Islamic State.” (The National)

 Al-Qaida-linked Jordanian militant leader warns that the kingdom is "not immune" to the chaosbefalling neighboring countries. (AP)

The Iraqi parliament delays its next session until August. (Washington Post)

Pres. Sisi says he wishes Al Jazeera journalists were never put on trial. (AP/Reuters/The National)


Dennis Ross says the US should help close the gaps between Israel and the Palestinians. (Washington Post)

David Horovitz says the murder of the Palestinian teenager should remind Israelis that they do not enjoy a moral superiority over Palestinians. (Times of Israel)

Anshel Pfeffer says all Israelis should be blamed for the death of the Palestinian teenager. (Ha’aretz)

Shimon Peres and Reuven Rivlin say both Jews and Arabs should put an end to bloodshed. (Ynet)

Ha’aretz says Israel must undergo a “cultural revolution” to fight Jewish hate of Arabs. (Ha’aretz)

Adnan Abu Amer says Fatah leader Rajoub could succeed Abbas. (Al-Monitor)

Hussein Ibish says mainstream Arabs must push against the “Islamic State.” (The National)

Hassan Abu Haniyeh and Hisham Al-Hashimi debate whether ISIS has succeeded thanks to the sectarian policies of its opponents. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Mustafa Alani and Mohamed Al-Zulfa debate whether ISIS’s advance is calculated or opportunistic. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Nikita Malik says Israel and Jordan are seeking more security ties as the threat from the “Islamic State” grows. (The National)

Matthieu Aikins says the West’s best allies against ISIS are other Sunni Islamists. (New York Times)

Amer Al Sabaileh says the political situation in Iraq and the need  to combat regional terrorism creates the opportunity for several countries to reposition. (Jordan Times)

Jackson Diehl says only a regional coalition can stop the “Islamic State.” (Washington Post)

The CSM says the international community must prevent a religious war in the Middle East. (Christian Science Monitor)

David Scheffer says justice must prevail in Syria and Iraq. (Los Angeles Times)

The National says Egyptians brace for more pain as subsidies end. (The National)

Rami Khouri says Kuwait’s protests are important. (Daily Star)

Frederic Wehrey says amid Libya’s worsening violence and polarization, room for dialogue and consensus is shrinking. (New York Times)


Israel launches a major air operation against Hamas in Gaza. (Washington Post/New York Times/AFP/Ha’aretz/The National)

Israel bombs dozens of targets in Gaza, killing four Palestinians. (Reuters/Ma’an)

DM Ya’alon says the operation in Gaza could last a long time. (JTA/Jerusalem Post)

The Israeli cabinet votes to call up 40,000 reservists. (Ynet/Daily Star)

PM Netanyahu orders preparations for a possible ground offensive in Gaza. (Jerusalem Post/TImes of Israel)

Pres. Abbas demands Israel halts its latest offensive against Gaza. (AFP/Ynet)

Hamas claims responsibility for the 85 rockets launched over the course of Monday in Israel. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Hamas calls upon all “resistance parties” to fight back against Israeli attacks. (Ma’an)

A Jewish extremist settler opens fire at a group of Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

A Fatah official says PA security coordination with Israel is costing Abbas heavily at home. (Ha’aretz)

The Shin Bet tells Pres. Peres not to visit the family of a murdered Palestinian teenager. (Ha’aretz)

Palestinian businessman Al-Masri says both sides are sitting on a “volcano.” (The Media Line)

The Iraqi parliament will meet early next week. (AP/New York Times/The National)

Three mortar bombs land inside Saudi Arabia near the Iraqi border. (Reuters)

The UN says more than 145,000 Syrian refugee families are headed by women who are the sole caregivers. (AP)

Lebanon charges 28 with planning bomb attacks. (AP)

Bahrain orders a top US diplomat to leave the country. (AP/New York Times)

Ayatollah Khamenei says the US and Israel are playing "good cop, bad cop" to intimidate Iran into making concessions on a nuclear agreement. (Reuters) 


Pres. Obama says peace is the only path to true security for Israel and the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

Abbas says Palestine's vision of peace is clear. (Ha’aretz)

Akiva Eldar interviews Abbas. (Ha’aretz)

Turki Al Faisal says the Arab Peace Initiative still provides a template for a just solution. (Ha’aretz)

The New York Times asks if Israeli and Palestinian leaders can end revenge attacks. (New York Times)

Ha’aretz says to preserve Israel’s existence, peace with the Palestinians is the only way. (Ha’aretz)

Nahum Barnea says denouncing the murder of a Palestinian teenager is not enough. (Ynet)

Faisal Yafai says the real legacy of Netanyahu’s fear-mongering has been to make peace with the Palestinians impossible. (The National)

Jonathan Schanzer says angry Israeli and Palestinian youths are steering the course of events in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. (Foreign Policy)

Bradley Burston writes an apology to the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

Hassan Barari says the door is wide open to another intifada. (Jordan Times)

The Jerusalem Post says the murder of the Palestinian teenager should serve as a reminder to Israel of the dangers of placing “Jewish” before democratic. (Jerusalem Post)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed asks if ISIS will unite Saudi Arabia and Iran. (Al Arabiya)

Robert Ford asks if Iraq’s Sunni will turn against the radical jihadists. (Foreign Policy)

The Daily Star says genuine and honest dialogue must be entered into to find a suitable replacement for PM Maliki. (Daily Star)

Diana Moukalled remembers Syrian activist Razan Zaitouneh. (Asharq al-Awsat) 


Israel intensifies its offensive in Gazakilling at least 14. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post/AFP/JTA/Jerusalem Post/The National)

35 Palestinians have been killed since Monday by Israeli airstrikes. (Ma’an)

Militants in Gaza fire more rockets at Israel, including Tel Aviv. (Reuters/AP/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)

Hamas claims responsibility for rocket fire on Israel. (AFP/The National)

PM Netanyahu says he will “further intensify” attacks on Hamas. (AFP)

The IDF confirms two rockets fell in open areas south of Haifa. (Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

Israeli officials say airstrikes on Gaza will become more intense in the coming days. (Ma’an)

DM Ya’alon wants to cut fuel and power supplies to Gaza. (Daily Star)

Pres. Abbas calls Pres. Sisi asking him to intervene to save the Palestinian people from the ongoing escalation in Gaza. (Ma’an)

The Arab League calls for an urgent meeting of the UNSC over the Israeli escalation in Gaza. (Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

The US calls for restraint and urges both sides to avoid harm to innocent civilians. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Jordan condemns the Israeli assault on Gaza. (Jordan Times)

Abbas will convene Palestinian leaders to sign a request to join the ICC. (Ha’aretz)

White House coordinator for the Middle East Philip Gordon accuses Israel of denying Palestinians sovereignty, security and dignity. (Times of Israel)

Israeli occupation forces detain several Hamas leaders in the West Bank. (Ma’an)

A US official says the three murdered Israeli teenagers were shot at least 10 times. (Reuters)

Supporters of Palestinian American teenager Tariq Abu Khdeir seek to bring him back home. (Ha’aretz/JTA)

Iraqi security forces find 53 blindfolded bodies south of Baghdad. (Reuters/New York Times)

PM Maliki accuses Kurds of hosting IS militants. (AP)

The Iraqi government tells the UN that it has lost control of a former chemical weapons facility to "armed terrorist groups." (Reuters)

Iran sends three attack planes to the Iraqi government. (New York Times)

US diplomat says his Bahrain expulsion was not about him. (AP/The National)

Syrian refugee women face harassment and poverty. (AP)

US Attorney General Holder says Europe and the US need to collaborate on Syria. (Washington Post)


Ron Kampeas says Egypt and the US might not help broker a ceasefire between Gaza and Israel. (JTA)

Anshel Pfeffer says there is a lack of a responsible power to broker an Israel-Hamas ceasefire. (Ha’aretz)

David Ignatius asks if Sec. Kerry will have the credibility to help rebuild dialogue after this new war in Gaza. (Washington Post)

Aaron David Miller says Kerry should not try to make peace between Israel and Gaza. (Foreign Policy)

Rami Khouri says Palestinians will not launch another intifada. (Daily Star)

Ben Caspit says Netanyahu is under pressure from his coalition for a large military operation in Gaza. (Al-Monitor)

Jeffrey Goldberg says each time a Palestinian is abused in Israeli custody, it violates the spirit and promise of the country. (The Atlantic)

Aaron David Miller says Israelis and Palestinians are in a game with no end. (CNN)

Yossi Mekelberg says to Israelis and Palestinians, peace should be the “ultimate revenge.” (Al Arabiya)

David Horovitz explains why Israel is fighting with Gaza again. (Times of Israel)

Gregg Carlstrom says the real battleground of occupied East Jerusalem is ready to “boil over.” (Foreign Policy)

Zvi Bar’el says Israelis are “longing for” the next intifada. (Ha’aretz)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says the Palestinian press is losing the “media war.” (Al-Monitor)

The Daily Star says Israel’s bombing of Gaza is a “recurring nightmare.” (Daily Star)

Osama Al Sharif says Abbas has failed to empathise with his own people. (Jordan Times)

Jonathan Cook says neither Israelis nor Palestinians can claim to be above a culture of hate. (The National)

Linda Gradstein interviews the mother of the murdered Palestinian teenager. (The Media Line)

Yadin Kaufmann makes the economic case for peace. (Ha’aretz)

The National says from Gaza to Iraq there is a clear lack of leadership. (The National)

David Ignatius says the tragedy of the US role in the modern Middle East is that it became the protector of the very post-imperial order it once resisted. (Washington Post)

Jamal Khashoggi says the Arab world needs to look inwards to explain ISIS’s rise. (Al Arabiya)

Ali Ibrahim says cutting subsidies in Egypt is inevitable. (Asharq al-Awsat)


The Jewish Daily Forward profiles the joint APN/ATFP internship program. (Jewish Daily Forward)

Israel escalates its aerial offensive on Gaza. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post/The National)

Israeli airstrikes kill eight members of a family including five children in a raid on Gaza. (Reuters/Washington Post)

The Israeli army says the killing of eight Palestinian family members was an error. (Ha’aretz)

Israeli airstrikes kill 81 Palestinians and injure over 550 since Monday. (Ma’an)

Hamas sends major rocket barrage across Israel. (Ha’aretz/JTA/Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

Israel says the Iron Dome interceptor has shot down 90 percent of Gaza rockets. (Reuters/New York Times)

PM Netanyahu says a cease-fire with Hamas is not on Israel's agenda. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Pres. Abbas says Israel is waging a war on all Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

The ADL criticizes Abbas for accusing Israel of “genocide” against Palestinians. (Jerusalem Post)

FM Lieberman tells world leaders that Israel will defend its citizens. (JTA/Jerusalem Post)

A Hamas official says it would be willing to stop the rocket attacks in exchange for the release of members arrested by the Israeli army. (Times of Israel)

Egypt urges Israel and Hamas to halt their escalating conflict but plays down hopes of a Cairo-mediated truce. (AFP)

The UNSC will hold an emergency meeting on the escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. (AFP/Reuters)

Sec. Kerry says the crisis in Gaza and Israel needs de-escalation. (AP/Ynet)

Israel thwarts an alleged Palestinian attack on a major highway in the occupied West Bank. (Jerusalem Post)

Egyptian authorities open the Rafah crossing for injured Palestinians. (Ma’an)

Israel is considering filing criminal charges against one of the police officers who is suspected of severely beating a Palestinian-American teenager. (Ha’aretz/JTA)

Desmond Tutu accuses Israeli and Palestinian leaders of behaving "like children." (AFP)

The Arab media is reportedly indifferent to Hamas. (Times of Israel)

Jordanian protesters attempt to storm the Israeli embassy in Amman. (Jordan Times)

Kurdish ministers say they will boycott meetings of Iraq's caretaker cabinet as Baghdad halts cargo flights to two Kurdish cities. (Reuters/AP)

The UN says the nuclear material seized by extremists in Iraq is “low-grade” and not a threat. (New York Times)

Activists say jihadi fighters are battling to take the predominantly Kurdish areas in northern Syria. (AP)

Italian-Swedish diplomat Staffan de Mistura has been chosen by UNSG Ban to replace Brahimi as the international point man on Syria. (AP/New York Times)


Rula Salameh says Palestinian mothers in occupied East Jerusalem are terrified for their children’s safety.(New York Times)

Asmaa Al-Ghoul says Israeli strikes on Gaza have targeted residential homes, killing numerous women and children. (Al-Monitor)

The Daily Star says Arab regimes are abandoning the Palestinian people. (Daily Star)

The National says Netanyahu never misses an opportunity to play the victim or escalate a conflict. (The National)

Lara Friedman says the murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir was framed for the entire world in a “dehumanizing and defamatory narrative.” (Jewish Daily Forward)

Gershon Baskin says military force alone will never be a proper response to human suffering. (Jerusalem Post)

Shlomi Eldar says Hamas was able to “surprise” Israel. (Al-Monitor)

Sima Kadmon says Netanyahu is facing a dilemma in Gaza. (Ynet)

Joyce Karam says Israel’s confrontations during World Cup tournaments have become symptomatic of a larger problem in Israeli politics. (Al Arabiya)

Ari Shavit says Israel’s years of calm are over. (Ha’aretz)

Ha’aretz says Finance Minister Lapid must stand up for peace. (Ha’aretz)

Eyad Abu Shakra says the Arab world currently feels like an “arid land” that has been set on fire. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Michael Young says the Middle East is at a foundational moment in its history. (Daily Star)

Kori Schake says ISIS is running a “brilliantly effective” social media campaign. (Foreign Policy)

Raymond Tanter asks if PM Maliki will lose his job. (Foreign Policy)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says the international community should not support Islamic groups in Syria. (Al Arabiya)

Michael Young says Lebanon continues to pay a heavy price for the Syrian crisis. (The National)


Israeli airstrikes kill more Palestinians in Gaza. (Reuters/Washington Post)

Palestinian death toll in Gaza nears 100 as Hamas promises more attacks on Israel. (New York Times/Ma’an/Ha’aretz/The National)

rocket fired from Gaza hits Ashdod, injuring three Israelis. (Ma’an/JTA/Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Obama offers the help of the US in negotiating a cease-fire. (AP/AFP/JTA/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

At the request of the US, the PA has reportedly approached Hamas to try to broker a ceasefire. (Times of Israel)

An Israeli official says ceasefire offers are “not relevant” while Hamas continues to fire rockets. (Times of Israel)

UNSG Ban calls for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. (AFP)

Pres. Sisi is reportedly torn between Palestinians and Hamas. (Ha’aretz)

Hamas’ armed wing says it will target Israel’s Ben-Gurion international airport. (Reuters/Ynet)

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Pillay doubts the legality of Israel’s Gaza offensive. (Reuters/AFP)

Israel and the US try to ward off UN condemnations of Gaza air strikes. (Ha’aretz)

Quartet Envoy Blair says Israel will not be able to “destroy” Hamas. (Ynet)

Egyptian authorities close the Rafah crossing with Gaza. (Ma’an)

Qatar donates $5 million to help buy medicines for Gaza hospitals. (Ma’an)

There is a rise of anti-Arab sentiments among Jewish Israeli youth. (New York Times)

Two rockets are fired into northern Israel from southern Lebanon. (Reuters/AFP/Ynet/Daily Star)

Pres. Erdogan says Turkey will not normalize its ties with Israel unless Gaza assault stops. (Reuters/AFp)

Middle East Eye profiles Palestinian American comedian Maysoon Zayid. (Middle East Eye)

Iraqi FM Zebari says the Kurdish political bloc will no longer take part in Iraq's national government. (Reuters)

Kurdish forces take over two oilfields in northern Iraq. (Reuters/AP)

Ayatollah Sistani urges fighters to respect the rights of all Iraqis, regardless of sect or politics. (Reuters)

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the death toll in Syria’s three-year war has eclipsed170,000 people. (The National)


ATFP Youth Outreach Coordinator Tala Haikal says empathy is essential to humanity, especially in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Huffington Post)

J.J. Goldberg says the conflict in Gaza is a product of universal miscalculation. (Jewish Daily Forward)

Adnan Abu Amer says Pres. Abbas inaction in Gaza is infuriating Hamas. (Al-Monitor)

Ha’aretz warns against another “Cast Lead” operation in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Eric Yoffie says Israel must stop settlements and Hamas must stop firing rockets. (Ha’aretz)

Adam Bronfman says Israelis must call for an end to settlements now. (Times of Israel)

The Media Line interviews advisor to Abbas Majdi Al-Khaldi. (The Media Line)

Jonathan Power says violence against children has become an epidemic. (Jordan Times)

Brooklyn Middleton says physicians in Gaza are desperately seeking solutions to continue providing care. (Al Arabiya)

The Jordan Times says Israel’s only sensible choice  to instantly open talks with 22 Arab governments. (Jordan Times)

Ahmad Majdoubeh says regional instability is not in Israel’s interest. (Jordan Times)

H.A. Hellyer says it is necessary to invoke religion in a counter-radicalisation strategy in the Middle East. (The National)

Jane Arraf says Ahmad Chalabi is likely could become Iraq’s next prime minister. (Foreign Policy)

Wafiq Al-Samarrai says what recently happened in Mosul and Tikrit will not happen in Samarra and Baghdad. (Asharq al-Awsat)

The New York Times says the Obama administration needs to press the Bahraini government to negotiating with Shiites. (New York Times)

The National says the international nuclear talks are Iran’s chance for positive regional engagement. (The National)


The Palestinian death toll in Gaza reaches 172 and more than 1230 injured. (Ma’an)

Rockets from Gaza injure an Israeli boy in Ashdod. (Ha’aretz)

The Israeli military says it has downed a drone launched by militants from Gaza. (AP/Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/JTA)

Hamas warns it will use new weapons if Israeli airstrikes continue. (The Media Line)

Israel warns Palestinians in Gaza to leave their homes. (PNN)

Thousands of Palestinians flee northern Gaza. (New York Times/Washington Post/Ha’aretz/The National)

Palestinian children in Gaza are traumatized by war. (Ynet)

The UNSC calls for an Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire. (AP/The National)

Pres. Abbas will ask the UN to put the state of Palestine under “international protection.”(AFP/Ha’aretz)

The EU says it is pressing for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. (Reuters)

Sec. Kerry asks PM Netanyahu to avoid further escalation in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

The Arab League will meet in Cairo to discuss Israel's bombardment of Gaza. (AFP)

DM Ya’alon says leaders of Hamas will see the destruction Israel has inflicted on them when they come out of their hiding. (Jerusalem Post)

FM Lieberman says ending the Gaza operation now will only mean more fighting in the future. (Ynet)

Pope Francis appeals for peace in Gaza. (AFP)

Pres. Rouhani calls on the Muslim world to help Gaza. (Times of Israel)

King Abdullah of Jordan urges Israel to stop targeting civilians. (AFP/Jordan Times)

rocket fired from Gaza knocks out a power line in Israel that supplied electricity to 70,000 Palestinians in Gaza. (Jerusalem Post)

The Shin Bet releases the chronology of the killing of a Palestinian teenager. (Times of Israel)

Israel charges three Jewish Israelis for the killing of the Palestinian teenager. (AP)

Israeli occupation forces kill a Palestinian man during clashes in the West Bank. (Reuters/Ma’an/PNN/JTA/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

Israeli occupation forces detain 11 Hamas members in the West Bank. (Ma’an)

Egypt opens the Rafah crossing to allow pilgrims to leave Gaza and travel to Saudi Arabia. (Ma’an)

A light rail line connecting Arab and Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem is damaged during riots. (New York Times)

Two rockets fired from Lebanon reach Western Galilee. (Ynet)

Eight Egyptians are killed in a mortar attack in Sinai. (AP)

Heavy clashes along the Syrian-Lebanese border kill several people, including a number of Hezbollah fighters. (AP/Reuters)

Iraq’s parliament fails to overcome the deep divisions hampering the formation of a new government. (The National)

Sec. Kerry will hold in-depth discussions with FM Zarif. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)


Hussein Ibish says all sides in the conflict are cynical and Hamas seeks concessions from Egypt. (The National)

The Daily Star says what is happening in Gaza is being ignored by the rest of world. (Daily Star)

Roger Cohen says Israel is the Middle East’s status quo power par excellence. (New York Times)

David Horovitz asks if Netanyahu really supports a two-state solution. (Times of Israel)

Jeffrey Goldberg says Netanyahu cannot hold to the West Bank forever. (The Atlantic)

Natan Sachs says neither Israel or Hamas can win from this “war of attrition.” (Foreign Policy)

Akiva Eldar says Israel and Hamas are in a lose-lose situation. (Al-Monitor)

Amos Yadlin says if Hamas accepts an Israeli ceasefire proposal it means that it has been deterred. (Ynet)

Ron Ben-Yishai says Israel must send ground troops to Gaza. (Ynet)

Ha’aretz calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Aeyal Gross asks if Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Rami Khouri says colonialism never ended in Palestine. (Daily Star)

Amer Al Sabaileh says Israel is experiencing a crisis, and the key to resolving it could be found in joining a regional anti-terror alliance. (Jordan Times)

Ayesha Almazroui says the Arab world must help the people of Gaza. (The National)

Vali Nasr says diplomacy can still save Iraq. (New York Times)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed looks at the significance of Izzat al-Douri and the Ba’ath Party. (Al Arabiya)

Jamal Khashoggi asks if the ISIS threat in Saudi Arabia is more dangerous than in other countries. (Al Arabiya)

Tariq Alhomayed says Sunni Arabs must confront ISIS. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Zalmay Khalilzad says the world must get ready for Kurdish independence. (New York Times)

The National says young fighters should explain the realities of war to convince young people people not to go fight. (The National)


Egypt offers a ceasefire deal between Hamas and Israel. (AP/Ha’aretz)

Israel’s security cabinet accepts the Egyptian ceasefire deal. (New York Times/Washington Post/JTA/Times of Israel/The National)

Hamas spokesperson Abu Zuhri says they were not consulted by Egypt about ceasefire arrangements and only heard of the initiative through media outlets. (Ma’an)

Hamas continues firing rockets from Gaza into Israel. (Reuters/AFP/JTA/Jerusalem Post)

The Israeli military says it has resumed airstrikes on Gaza. (AP/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza reaches 192 and more than 1300 injured. (PNN)

Kerry condemns Hamas rocket fire in the face of a “goodwill effort” to secure a ceasefire. (Ynet/Reuters)

Pres. Obama praises Egypt’s ceasefire proposal. (AP/Reuters/Times of Israel)

Sec. Kerry has decided not to make to an immediate trip to the Middle East to push diplomatic efforts toward a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. (AP)

Pres. Abbas praises the Egyptian initiative. (Ynet)

Pres. Peres and Quartet Envoy Blair praise the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire. (Ynet)

Gaza’s Ministry of Health announces a state of emergency. (IRIN)

Israeli occupation forces clash with Palestinians in the West Bank, injuring seven. (Ma’an)

Hamas publishes a photo of a drone it says it built. (New York Times)

An Israeli official says Israel has found funding for three new Iron Dome rocket interception batteries. (Reuters)

The Gaza conflict is reportedly costing Israel $32 million a day. (Ha’aretz)

PM Erdogan accuses Israel of committing “state terrorism” against the Palestinians. (AFP)

Jordan warns against consequences of war in Gaza amid regional turmoil. (Jordan Times)

The Iraqi parliament elects a new SpeakerSalim al-Jubouri. (AP/New York Times)

The Iraqi army and Shi’ite militias launch an assault to retake Tikrit. (Reuters)

Kerry says there are still big gaps in nuclear talks with Iran. (AP)

The UN says it will withdraw its staff from Libya temporarily because of the deteriorating security. (AP/Reuters)

Pres. Assad will be sworn in for a new seven-year term on Wednesday. (AFP)


Hassan Barari says Israel’s current war in Gaza is not the first and will most likely not be the last. (Jordan Times)

H.A. Hellyer says the people of Gaza are victims to two “wars on terror.” (Al Arabiya)

Bradley Burston calls on PM Netanyahu to end the war in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Amos Harel gives seven takeaways from seven days of “Operation Protective Edge.” (Ha’aretz)

Etgar Keret asks what to do when an Israeli-Palestinian peace is out of reach. (Los Angeles Times)

Salman Aldossary says the Gaza tragedy is a scene that repeats itself. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Nimrod Nir says Israelis must remember to fight terror and not the Palestinians. (New York Times)

The National says insanity is reigning in Israel’s crisis management. (The National)

Sharif Nashashibi says two Gazas exist one as presented in the major media, and the other on the ground and in social media. (The National)

Mark Perry says Israel's military offensive will backfire. (Foreign Policy)

Dan Rabinowitz says a courageous Israeli leader would declare a unilateral ceasefire. (Ha’aretz)

Linda Gradstein says Israel is debating the efficacy of a military ground operation in Gaza. (The Media Line)

The Jordan Times says Jordan has a sent a clear message to the US that it will take no part in training Syrian opposition forces on its territory. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says the US needs to come up with a policy for Syria. (Daily Star)

The CSM says the advance of the Islamic State in Iraq opens an opportunity for Kurds to seek an independent state.(Christian Science Monitor)

Laura Kokotailo says Americans and Kurds should be allied against ISIS. (Bas News)

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